Hate crime

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Dementia was sitting in the kitchen thinking of how to get rid of Flug. She thought about shooting him but then she thought of something more violent. She grinned, she got up and grabbed a kitchen knife out of the kitchen. Meanwhile Black Hat and Dr. Flug where having the time of there lives! Black Hat grunted and groaned. Dr. Flug squealed and moaned(heh that rhymes).  "Oh yes daddy!" Dr. Flug pleaded. Black Hat kept groaning and thrusting while Flug was pinned down by him. It felt so good to Flug. Black Hat has never felt this turned on in his life. They both felt alive! Dr. Flug didn't want Black Hat to stop. Black Hat didn't want to stop either. In a couple more minutes Black Hat came. He moaned loudly while Flug grabbed on to the bed sheets and came as well. Black Hat pulled out and rolled over next to Flug. Flug gripped onto Black Hats hand. They where both panting like dogs on a hot day. Dr. Flug pulled the covers over his and Black Hats waists. He cuddled against Black Hat. Black Hat kissed his forehead and cuddled Flug as well. Meanwhile Dementia was waiting in Dr. Flug's room wielding nothing but rope and a knife. She had set those items on his bed along with duck tape, hand cuffs, a baseball bat and a belt. It soon turned 4:30 pm. Flug walked in the bathroom after a nice warm shower. He walked towards his room so he could get dressed but bumped into Black Hat. Black Hat kissed Dr. Flug for so long that when Black Hat pulled away he left a string of saliva. Dr. Flug wiped away the saliva with the bath towel, giggled and continued walking. Black Hat stared at Flug's rear end while he walked down the hall and thought "oooh~ nice ass". While Dr. Flug was dressing himself he decided he didn't need pants because he was gonna cuddle with  his partner, Black Hat do he just slipped on his boxers. He smiled at the thought. Then the his mind trailed off. He thought of what it would be like if him and Black Hat got married and had kids. His smile grew into a grin. Dementia was hiding under Dr. Flug's bed. Dr. Flug turned around to see that there where items on his bed. He thought dementia was just playing with stuff and left it all on his bed. It was strange to him that all of them could be used to murder someone- SUDDENLY! Dementia hits Flug in the back of the head with the baseball bat! Dr. Flug is unconscious. Dementia puts the bat down and drags Dr. Flug to the other side of the room. She puts him in hand cuffs, puts duck tape on his mouth, and ties his legs together with the rope. 21 hours later. Dr. Flug wakes up with Dementia standing up right in front of him. "You took my love!" She said grabbing the hand cuffs and making him stand up. Dr. Flug was really scared at the moment. Black Hat tried opening the door but it was locked. Black Hat started ramming Into the door. All Dr. Flug could do was cry, scream and hope Black Hat got the door to slam open soon before Dementia killed him. Dementia got the kitchen knife, grabbed Dr. Flug by the mouth, put the knife up to his throat and slit his throat. Dr. Flug screamed in pain. Black Hat finally got the door to jam open. Black Hat grabbed Flug and quickly held him close. "WHAT THE FUCK WHERE YOU THINKING?!" Black Hat yelled at Dementia. "I want you to love me!!!" Dementia yelled back. "YOU THINK KILLING THE ONLY PERSON I CARE ABOUT IS GONNA MAKE ME LOVE YOU!?" Black Hat snapped. Dementia paused. "I thought getting rid of him would make you think you need a Dementia someone else!" Dementia said throwing  the bloody knife. Dr. Flug made a choking sound. Black Hat got worried and said "Flug?! What did she do to you?!". Flug tried pushing out words "sh-sh-she cut.....m-m-m-me" he choked out. Black Hat started to tear up "where did she cut you?!". Dr. Flug lifted up his head and showed him the cut on his neck. "Oh shit!" Black Hat picked up Flug and carried him as fast as he could to his black and red station wagon and he lates him down in the back seat. He told Flug to put pressure on the wound so he didn't Pass out from blood loss. Dr. Flug tried holding his hand on his neck so he stoped bleeding. Black Hat sped down the street so he could get Dr. Flug to the hospital. When they got to the hospital they quickly got Dr. Flug in a hospital room. Black Hat sat in the empty waiting room. He had been waiting for  so long he started to fall asleep. He felt a hand touch his shoulder. "What's wrong with him this time" a voice said. Black Hat recognized the voice. A voice he had heard for 28 years. It was his brother.  "Dementia..." he sniffled, about to cry. He got a little raged "...it was FUCKING DEMENTIA!!!" He stood up, walked up to a nearby wall and rammed his fist into the wall making a slight dent. White Hat got confused. "Oh god. What she do?" White Hat got a little worried. Black Hat started sobbing quietly. White Hat got up, walked up to him and gave him a hug. "Let's hope that he'll be okay" he patted his big brothers back. Black Hat hugged him back. In his mind he thought "please be okay, please be okay, please be okay, please be okay,". Black Hat and Flug where like love birds. They stay together till one dies. Then shortly after the other one dies. But with a broken heart.

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