Kiss me~

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Flug was sitting in the kitchen cooking himself some popcorn because he was working and he got super hungry. Dementia walked into the kitchen. "So how was your date with my boyfriend" she said annoyed. "Dementia, he's not your boyfriend you delusional freak " Flug mocked. "I know..." she looked away nervously. "Forget it!" She ran to her room while Flug stayed in the kitchen eating his popcorn. He waited for someone else to chime in. And someone did. Black Hat walked in the kitchen up to Flug. "Hello cutie~" Black Hat sad as he put his hand under Flug's bag and caressed his cheek. Flug blushed. "H-hi" He said nervously. Black Hat smirked. "How's my adorable little scientist" Black Hat said pulling Flug closer. He looked in Flug's eyes and they got closer and closer until they got so close that Dr. Flug got nervous and asked "what are you doing?". Black Hat snapped out of his trance and backed away about 2 steps. "Sorry..." he got nervous. "It's okay I was just asking what you where doing" he blushed. "I kinda liked it. Black Hat looked up at him. "You can continue if you want~" Flug cooed. Black Hat walked a little closer. So close their members where literally touching. Black Hat sat Flug on the counter top. Flug wrapped his legs around Black Hats waist. "Kiss me you fucking monster~" he said lustfully. Black Hat said nothing. He leaned over and pressed his lips against Flug's. "Mmm~ *smooch* I love you~ mmm~" Flug cooed. Black Hat continued to make out with him. "I love you too~ mmm *smooch*" Black Hat pulled him closer.  This went on for at least 5 minuets.

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