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Harley wasn't sure what she was expecting when entering Mount Weather's tunnels

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Harley wasn't sure what she was expecting when entering Mount Weather's tunnels. Clarke description was short, but she was right. The tunnels were long and dark, only lit up enough by a few lights hanging from the top. It was different than being in the woods, and she could feel the chills from knowing the horror of what has happened to the reapers and her friends. Clarke hadn't went into details, but Harley knew. She was sure the people inside the mountain were bleeding her friends for themselves, but she also knew that today they would be brought home.

Each footstep Harley and everyone else took echoed off the dirt walls. Harley was sure that if she shouted, her voice would ring back from the emptiness inside. She fought the urge to do so, figuring this was a bad time considering the situation, and set her focus back on the mission. It was too easy for Harley to get sidetracked, and she was sure the ones who she was surrounded with were aware by the way she gazed around.

From ahead, only a few feet in front of Harley, Octavia came to a sudden stop. She had been leading the group through the tunnel, taking different turns, all due to Lincoln's map that he had given to her. "According to Lincoln's map, we're getting close," she announced. "It's a maze." She suddenly grew quiet before speaking again, this time in a mumble. "Lincoln should be here."

"He wasn't ready," Indra said in a assuring voice. "Even he knew that. He'll do well fighting with the commander."

They began walking again, and Harley could hear Octavia and Indra conversing quietly about Lincoln once more. She worried for him too, knowing the addiction was still difficult, but he was tough and brave enough to be with the commander. From beside her, Jackson gave her a nudge to grab her attention. "Here," he offered, holding his hand out. There was a small object in his hand, a button on the side and a ring light above. "Raven could only make a few. They ward off reapers," he explained.

Figuring that Jackson was passing it to her as they were getting deeper in the tunnel and were much more at risk, Harley accepted it. She now knew what they were; the high tone generator that Raven had made. They had an sharp sound that somehow warded off reapers, and being one of the few who only carried one weapon, Harley was glad to have it.

There was a quiet banging noise from behind that rung loudly, nearly making Harley leap out of her skin from the surprise, but it was followed by equally powerful gunshots. "No!" She exclaimed, seeing the guard shooting his gun in the direction of the sound. It could have been anything, and they weren't there to kill reapers.

"Stop shooting!" Octavia shouted over the shots.

Furious, Indra stormed towards the guard and pushed his gun down forcefully. "Reapers are not the enemy!" She bellowed in warning, protective over her people who had been forcibly turned into monsters.

It was quiet for a moment, the silence only full of the heavy pants from the rush. Harley glanced towards the way they came, concerned that the guard had managed to hit someone or something bad was about to happen. "We don't kill them-" Octavia began, breaking the quiet, but was suddenly cut off.

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