( eleven )

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The night following had not allowed Harley much sleep either

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The night following had not allowed Harley much sleep either. Her and Roma were barely dozed off after Bellamy ordered a lights out nearly an hour before when a familiar blonde poked her head through the opening of their tent. Before Roma could say anything, probably yell at her rudely, Clarke spoke. "Have either of you see Octavia?" She asked, supposedly bothered.

Come to really think of it, Harley hadn't seen Octavia since the night before when together they saw Raven's pod fall from the sky. After that, she disappeared, but Harley had assumed she was continuing arguing with her brother. "I haven't," she answered, Roma nodding in agreement. "Is she missing?" She asked, worried.

Clarke nodded, concerned. "Bellamy should be setting up a search party," she stated. Even though Harley was still scared of being outside the walls of the camp, she still scampered out of the tent, Roma following her.

Bellamy was already commanding the group of delinquents that were gathering around him, being pulled from their tents. "Hey, everybody," he announced. "Gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up," he ordered. "We're not coming back without her." The declaration to Octavia was clear, and he was stubborn enough to follow through.

Not believing in the use weapons, Harley stood to the side and waited as everyone grabbed one. She could hardly shout at someone, let alone swing a homemade knife at another. But she saw Jasper grabbing one, and furrowed her brows. "Hey, Jasper," she called out softly, her voice laced with tiredness but grabbing his attention. "You shouldn't do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back," Harley pointed out, thinking back to when he could hardly make it past the gates before someone scared him back inside.

"I need to do this," Jasper muttered in reply, clutching his weapon in one hand and a torch in the other.

Bellamy approached from behind the pair, his arms crossed over his chest. "We need all the people we can get," he commented, before staring to Harley and seeing that she was empty handed. "Take a weapon too, Harley. Your cheer won't be a shield if a blood-thirsty grounder comes at you." Harley turned around, seeing the leftover weapons on the ground when Bellamy started shouting for Finn to come out of his and Raven's tent.

Harley hadn't ever believed in the use of weapons. She knew she couldn't ever bring herself to kill someone, regardless if they were trying to kill her, but she still picked up what looked like a thick and long knife made out of metal from the dropship. The weight of it felt off in her hands as she studied the rusty steel before tucking the blade into her belt. She didn't need to use it now, or ever.

"Finn, we're leaving!" Bellamy called out as he began ordering the delinquents to move out in a single file line. Harley followed after Jasper, in between him and Roma. She still worried for Jasper, knowing that his wound wasn't fully healed and he still was frightened to leave the dropship, even head into the woods.

They hadn't even made it past the fence when someone tilted their head back and pointed at the sky. "Guys, guys!" He exclaimed. "Look!"

At the shouting, Harley looked to see what he was pointing at. Her eyes widened when seeing what looked like falling stars, shimmering in the night fall. It had to be from The Ark, and it wasn't good. "They didn't work," Raven whispered, dumbfounded. "They didn't see the flares."

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked, confused.

"It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral," Clarke stated, in a daze with her head tilted back, staring. "Hundreds of bodies being returned to Earth from The Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side." She looked at Raven. "They didn't get our message." Harley's jaw dropped, shocked. What they worked so hard on didn't work. The Ark killed three hundred people to preserve more air because they thought the delinquents were dead. She was completely stunned, unsure of what to do now.

Angry, Raven marched towards Bellamy with her fists clenched at her sides. At least Harley could see he looked apologetic and guilty, but it didn't fix what was his fault. "This is all because of you!" She shouted as Finn tried to pull her back.

"I helped you find the radio," Bellamy tried defending himself, but even he looked unsure.

"Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it," Raven retaliated, mad.

"He knows," Clarke cut in, narrowing her eyes at Bellamy. "Now he has to live with it."

Deciding it wasn't worth dwelling over anymore, Bellamy changed the topic of the situation. "All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her," he declared bravely. He glanced at Finn. "You coming or what?" Finn nodded in response, knowing there wasn't much of a choice, as he was the camp's best tracker. "What are we waiting for? Move out!" He directed, motioning for the delinquents to leave.

"Wait," Harley spoke up, turning around. She was still upset, but there was another issue, and not just Octavia. "We have to find a way to talk to them, three hundred won't be enough to help them," she explained, thinking of her parents and who she left behind. "If they don't find out we can survive down here, they'll kill more people."

Realizing Harley was right, Finn nodded. "You should stay and fix the radio, okay?" He said to Raven.

"Guys, Harley, they're leaving," Jasper interrupted quietly. "We gotta go."

"But - but the transmitter's smashed," Raven said, stopping them. "Unless there's a parts depot down here, we're not talking to The Ark."

Hit with an idea, Clarke stared from Finn to Raven. "I know a place you might be able to get a transmitter," she announced.

"We're not gonna find her without you, though," Harley pointed out to Finn. He was just about the best and only shot they had at finding Octavia due to him being a tracker, without him, it was going to be more of a challenge. "Please, come with us."

Finn nodded in agreement. "Be careful," he told the pair, ready to follow Harley and Jasper into the group of delinquents leaving the camp with Bellamy as their leader.

Harley turned her head, letting Finn have a private moment with Raven as she marched towards the outside of the camp. She didn't know what was waiting for her out there, but whatever it was, her mind was only torn between two situation. Contacting The Ark, and finding Octavia.

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