Chapter 46

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"Now that's much better. Yeah, where was I? Oh, now I remember. Alyssa, you seem quite confused. I will tell you a little story. Make sure to pay attention," he snarled.

"You see, Alyssa, this incident happened many, many years ago. When the whole island of Nirvana lived in peace and harmony," he started off, trailing around the cave slowly, his eyes on the ground, as he narrated the story to me.

"My great-great-great-great...., you get the idea. I don't want to end up say great about a hundred times. Anyway, grandpa was Lord Greimor, the most feared death and soul elemental and ruler of Nirvana," he took a deep breth before continuing.

"Everyone feared him. Why wouldn't they, since he ruled with an iron fist. But all that stopped one day, and war began to arise instead." His eyes turned dark, as he looked me in the eyes.

"Rumours, rumours arose that my grandpa was misusing his elemental powers. That he was continuously getting new mates, stealing the virginities of many young girls and killing his own mate with his rejection. All those filthy rumours were a lie. Filthy lies," he yelled in my face, rage clearly visible in his gaze.

"And you know who made up all those lies? It was your mate's dear great-great-great- great... grandpa. He was jealous of my grandpa and wanted his place as the ruler of Nirvana," he whispered the last part. Venom seeping through his voice.

"But his plans didn't go as planned when my grandpa found out about this. My grandpa declared war upon Zander's grandpa. The entire of Nirvana battled against my grandfather. But only the elementals were on his side. Eventually, my grandpa lost this great battle. With his downfall, Nirvana was torn apart. Bringing us to what we have today."

I knew this story. I had read about it in the book the Moon Goddess had given me. So Lord Greimor was Xavier's grandfather. Now all this makes sense.

"This all comes down to history, mon cheri," he said, still trailing the caves.

"From that faitful day, Zander's bloodline was ruling this bloody Red Blood Pack. I never got the chance to be the alpha I could have been," he roared at me, grabbing my face in his hand, roughly squeezing my jaws. Inflicting pain on me.

I let out a groan, the pain increasing at every moment.

"Then how are the both of you related?" I asked him, my voice barely louder than a whisper.

"That's pretty simple, mon cheri. When my father passed away, my mother married Zander's father, whom's mate had also been killed. Zander and I were basically stepbrothers from there on," he let go off my face. Running a hand through his hair.

"I was suppose to get the alpha title, since I was basically the oldest, and the strongest. But Zander got it instead. He became alpha, leaving me with nothing." His voice boomed through the cave.

"Through that I saw how history was repeating it self again. I made sure to do anything to continue the reign of my grandpa's bloodline. That's when you come in, mon cheri," he sneered at me, taking slow steps towards me.

"When I found that you were an elemental like my grandpa. That by marking you, I would get my deepest desire. I made sure to find you. But my stupid brother interferred and tried to kill me. But he was so dump. You can't kill me by merely strangling me. How silly for him to think that," he laughed humouressly. Shaking his head in disapproval.

"Anyway, enough of this. Let me get straight to the point. I marked you. Now you have to fulfill my greatest desire. But first, a little treat."

Clicking his fingers together, the metal door opened. Rogues filled the room, as they pushed in three people.

My breath hitched, as I struggled qith the chains, trying to get to them.

"Let them go. Let them go now," I yelled to Xavier, pulling at the chains. Trying to free myself. Tears brimmed at my eyes, blurring my vision.

I could see Lucas struggling with the chains at the corner of my eyes. He was trying to free himself, just like I was trying to.

Squeezing my eyes slightly, I let my tears tumbled down my cheeks, moistening them.

Xavier messed with the four most important people in my life.

I am gonna make him pay for this.


Hey, guys. Thanks for reading. I tried my best to explain Xavier's tale and connect all the pieces so that it made sense to you all.

If you still don't understand, feel free to ask questions in the comments section. I'll try my best to clear your doubts.

Tons of love❤❤❤

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