Chapter 42

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My whole world came tumbling down before me. Shattered into a million pieces that could not be fixed. All this time, I've been living a complete lie. All this time I've been living with people, I thought were my own. Only to find out that they were deceitful people.

They were not my real parents. These people I had grown so fond of were not my real parents. Just deceitful people who are pawns to Xavier's game.

I began to massage my head, trying to process what I had just heard. How could I not see this? The signs, the clues. They were all laid out before me yet I was too blind to put all the pieces together and figure out everything.

The way the Luna looked at me when I firat arrived in Nirvana. Caleb calling me princess out of nowhere. Mom and dad's sudden disappearance to who knows where. The Alpha and Luna's weird behaviour when I left my old pack. And mom and dad's odd behaviour when they arrived in Zander's pack.

I backed away from the door, knocking over a vase that lay on the table. Mom and dad's whispering came to a halt. I quickly dashed away, hiding in a room, where the door had been left opened.

Hearing the silent footsteps of both my parents, I stood still, trying my best not to make a single sound.

"There's nobody here, Harry. Are you sure you heard something?" Mom's voice rang through the hallway, making me shiver slightly.

"Yeah, I did. I'm not deaf, you know," dad retorted, sounding rather rude.

"Well, perhaps it was just a stray cat. Let's head inside. And shut the door will you. I don't want anyone tumbling onto our conversation again."

The sound of the door clicking, eased my tensed body. Releasing a sigh of relief, I stepped out from my hiding place. Heading out of the hallway, I made my way towards the kitchen.

Making my way inside, I leaned onto the counter, hand grasping it. Turning my knuckles white. I could feel the tears that threatened to tumble down my cheeks.

Inhaling a deep breath, I controlled the emotions that swam through me. I wasn't going to cry for them. The least I could do was find my real parents and tell Zander all about this.

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard footsteps. I turned to the source, and my eyes met Lucas'. He stared back at me. Dark circles under his eyes. Eyes dull and not lively as they used to be. A tired body frame. Not like the Lucas I used to know.

The hurt I saw through his eyes, were the same, I had in mine. For some reason, some or another problem was getting in the way of our friendship. I could sense it, yet I refused to acknowledge it. I let that thing pull us apart, that the bond we shared was slowly shrieveling away.

Unintentionally, I ran towards Lucas and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head in his chest. I truly admit that I miss Lucas so much, and the current situation was making matters worse.

At this moment, I knew that I needed a true friend, that I could lay a shoulder on. That I could speak to without hesitation. And at this moment, I knew I needed Lucas more than I needed anyone else.

Tears streamed down my face. My emotions were everywhere and I couldn't stop myself from crying. My life was a wreck, and I knew it better than anyone else. I wish, I hadn't agreed to come here. Perhaps everything would be better than these problems I keep facing everyday.

"Shhhh... Al, calm down. Hey, I'm here for you. Just calm down and tell me what the matter is."

Lucas pulled me towards a nearby chair. He gently told me to take a seat, while he took one for himself and sat down.

"Al, calm down. Take deep breaths and calm down." Lucas whispered, caressing my hair like he used to when he was trying to calm me down.

Slowly, yet surely, my breath slowed, but my hands were still trembling from all the crying. I looked like a nervous wreck at the moment. But I didn't care.

"My parents, Luke," I whispered to him, my voice barely audible.

"What do you mean, Al? Did something happen to aunt and uncle?" The worry in his voice was noticeable. He really cared for the safety of those people who were working against us.

"No, Lucas. It's... it's something else," I could feel my voice beginning to crack. I was on the vurge of tears and I couldn't control myself.

"What is it, Al?"

"They... they aren't my real... real parents, Luke. They aren't... aren't my parents," I say, tears tumbling further down my face. My body was shaking vigorously and my eyes hurt from all the sobbing.

"What? That isn't possible, Al. Do you even know what you just said? How could--"

"I heard everything. They are freaking deceitful people who are working with Xavier," I yelled, anger taking full swing.

In a hurry, I told Lucas everything I heard. He listened attentively, not trying to process all he has heard.

"I.. I can't believe this," Lucas said in bewilderment.

"These traitors have been leaving under our roof for so long, and I couldn't see this."

"Neither could I. I hate myself for blindly trusting them for all these long years."

"It isn't your fault, Al. We both trusted them blindly. Everyone did. Instead of regretting, we should fix this mistake. It's time that Zander learns about this."

I nod my head at him, wiping away the dry tears on my cheeks. Standing up, we decided to go tell Zander the truth.

We stopped dead in our tracks when we saw who stood in front of us.


Hey, guys. Sorry for the late update once again. I'm starting to have a huge case of writer's block. Again. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll try my best to keep writing. Perhaps it will go away like that. Plus, there will be slow updates from now one. Please bare with me. I'll try my best to update.

Thanks for understanding.

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