Chapter 21

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After Lucas left me stranded in the hallway, I managed to walk all the way to my room myself.

I open the door and walk in, taking in the warm, welcoming and familiar surrounding of my room. Feeling too tired to do anything, I walk to my bed and plop myself onto it.

I breathe in and out until all my tenses muscles have fully relaxed. I put both my hands under my head to feel a foreign object under it. I pull out the object to see that it's Lucas' navy blue hoodie.

He must have left it here when he last hung out in my bedroom. I put it and and slightly sniff it, his familiar scent hitting my nostrils and making me smile. His hoodie reaches right above my kned's, making it look like a dress.

My mind goes off to Lucas' strange behaviour in the hallway. I wonder what got him so riled up. I know he was just trying to look out for me, but was it really necessary for me to threaten the poor girls like that? And when I scolded him for it, he gets angry. That's not the way Lucas usually behaves. When I scold him, he usually finds some or another way shrug it off, not get angry and yell at me. He is hiding something and I know it. He isn't really good at hiding things from me. I will find out what he's hiding. Really soon.

A knock on my door pulls me out from my thoughts. I get up and open the door, to see an unknown person standing there.

"Um, yes. May I help you?"

"Alpha Zander would like to discuss something important with you Ms Sky. He asks that you meet him in office right now. It's urgent."

Why would he want to meet me.
"Sure. Please show me the way to his office."

The boy nods and I leave my room, closing the door behind me. We walk futter down the hallway and take a left and another right.. . I never knew this hallway had so much passages.

We finally make it do a closed door. The guy knocks, and Zander's voice is heard from the other side when he says we should come in.

The guy motions me to get in and leaves, closing the door behind him.

"Please take a sit, Ms Sky," Alpha Zander speaks, his back faced to me as he faces the window.

I take a sit and wait for him to speak. There is obviously a reason why he called me here.
He turns around and my gaze is locked with same icy blue eyes. His eyes never leaves mine, as he swiftly takes a sit right across me.

"I've always known that you were a deceitful witch, you pathetic bitch." His sudden outburst takes me by surprise.
He called me all this way to say I'm a pathetic bitch? My hands balled into fist, anger rising in me. My nails dug deep into my skin, almost tearing it in the process.

"I've always known that you were one of them, but I did not want to say anything until I was sure. But you made my suspicions true when I saw you at the battlefield yesterday; how you killed that vampire rogue," he said in a low dangerous voice.

I looked at his eyes to see that they were turning yellow. His wolf was ready to surface and take down its opponent in any second. In this case, his opponent is me.

"I'm sorry, Alpha, but you can't just flipping accuse me off all that bullshit. So what if I am one of them? What's that got to do with you anyway. I did not ask the Moon Goddess to bless me with these powers. Just because I'm a soul and death elemental, doesn't mean that I'll kill off or revive anyone like that ancient ruler did back then."

I stop abruptly, after I realised that I just revealed half of the truth to him.

"You dare to disobey the orders of an Alpha, mortal? You dare speak to an Alpha in such a way," his voice boomed through the office, making the walls move.

He punched the table hard and held into it tightly, looking down as his body shook in anger. Not wanting to spend any more time with him, I stand up and decide to leave, only to be pushed against the door with Alpha Zander body pressed firmly against mine.

His moved his face closer to mine, his breath slightly fanning my cheek. He looked down at me, while I tried to look anywhere else but his eyes.

My breath hitched as his arm snakes it way up my thigh, sending pleasurable sparks in all the places his hand touched. Finally, his arm encircle my waist as he pulled my much closer to him.

He uses his free hand to hold my chin,  so that I am facing him. Eyes locked together, lips inches apart from each other.

In an instant the same goes to my neck as he began to tighten his hold on me.

"This is what happens when an elemental dares to defy an Alpha. They get crushed. Just like this," he whispers in my ear and begins to squeeze my neck.

The air is quickly squeezed out as I trash around, trying to escape, but Zander's hold is firm on me that all my efforts go in vain.

My eyes begin to roll back as I feel darkness taking control. I try my best to keep my eyes open and push Zander away, but he is firmly pressed against me.

The familiar heat courses my body, as my mark begins to glow an excruciating ruby red.

Zander pulls away as the heat from my mark burns him. I fall to the ground, on my knees, my hair fallen to one side as my mark is in full display to Zander.

Zander's disgusted face turns shocked when he sees that I bare his mate mark on my neck.

"Mate," he says.

And that's all I hear before I pass out.


Another chapter for the best angels on wattpad!

Show me and my book some love. Alyssa and Zander would be happy!

Your sweet demon in disguise,

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