Chapter 10

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"Luc.... Lucas... they coming... to get... me," I say in a shaky breath as my hands begin to tremble in fear.

"Al, the--"

"They're coming for me... just... just like-" I gulp, " they came for him. They're gonna kill me," This time my whole body begins to tremble as I crouch onto the floor, bringing my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth to calm myself down.

Lucas kneels down next to me and gently lifts my face up with both his hands. Caressing my cheek and looking hurt.

"Al," he whispers, " Calm down. I promise you that no one is after you. They won't take you back to that place. You're safe here with me. I'll protect you."

Is he gone crazy?

"How can I calm down now," I yell at Lucas and shove him. He is telling me to calm down when my life is practically in danger.

"They are after me. They want me and I don't want to go back. Please don't make me go back," I plead with him.

I can't go back to that place yet. I can't go through all the pain I've faced. It's unbearable. Lucas pulls me to his chest. I try to pull away but it was no use. He held me in firm grip that I couldn't move. I silently weep in the crook of his neck, wetting his shirt

"Shh... They aren't coming back. You're safe now." He rubs slow circles on my head that calm me down completely.

I look behind Lucas to where the crumpled paper lies to find that it has vanished into thin air. It is nowhere to be seen.


"Mmm?" He mumbled and gently pulls away, wiping away my tears with his thumb.

"It's gone," I inform him and he takes a look and sees an empty floor instead.

"This is not good, Al. We need to seek for help. And we must do that immediately."


All the pack members have assembled in the ballroom where a luxurious party was planned in order to welcome the Alpha of the Red Blood Pack.

Lucas stood by me the whole time, asking if I was alright once in a while and getting beverages for me whenever I was thirsty.

I'm so thankful to have him by my side in my darkest days. It feels good to know that there's someone out there that cares for you and protects you. That was my Lucas. He is my guardian angel.

A couple of minutes pass by and The Alpha and Luna walk in with a man that looked like he's in his late twenties.

From the time he stepped in, he radiated Alpha power. Two people stood a few steps behind him. On the right was the Beta and the left was the third in command.

His slightly piercing, ice blue eyes caught mine in the huge crowd. His hair was slightly combed back, some hanging just above his eyes. His soft, silky brown skin complemented his sharp jaws and full lips.

He's dressed in a complete black suit that perfectly captured his muscles that rippled under his shirt.

My face turned hot after what I realised I was doing. I was checking out an Alpha. Good thing it was a bit dark here, so no one saw me.

"Moon Blood Pack, may I introduce to you Zander Black. The Alpha of Red Blood Pack."

Our Alpha' s announcement tore my eyes from his icy ones. But sooner, his eyes were on me again. I avoided his gaze this time. I didn't want to get trapped in them again.

The way he looked at me sent shivers down my spine. He was looking through my soul. Almost like be he was trying to figure out like an open book.

But the reality is, I'm an open secret.

My heart skipped a bit once more as I felt his gaze burning a hole through my back.

I ignored him by talking to Lucas most of the time, but suddenly I felt the mate heat in me intensify.

I touch my neck and felt the hot area. This only meant that my light was shining brighter.

I fix my hair a little bit to avoid anyone from seeing it.

Could it be possible that I've found my... no. That's impossible. I've got the forbidden colour.

And if it is, I need to stay away from him. He must never find out that I'm his.

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