Chapter 43

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"Tell Zander what, Alyssa," her face filled with worry, as she tried to reach out for me. But I recoiled. Her touch feeling like a massive burn on my skin.

"Alyssa, honey, what's all this about?" Dad was the next one to speak. He stepped forward, making Lucas and I step back.

Damn, I was sick and tired of this pretence. Can't they tell the truth to my face this once without lying to me?

My mouth opened to say something, when Lucas got hold of my wrist.

Don't say anything to them. They don't know that you've discovered the whole truth. He said through mind link.

But Lucas-

No, Al. This is for your own good. Who knows what they will do when they learn that we both know the truth.

Kill us... probably...

Yeah, or much worse. Now, can you keep your pretty mouth shut for me? Please?

I rolled my eyes at him. The old Lucas is finally back.

My parents, or should I say the imposters stared at me expectedly, waiting for an answer to my strange behaviour. My lips were screaming to spill the beans, but my mind worked against it. I should do as Lucas says, and shut my pretty little trap.

Turning my attention back on them, I put on the best act I could master, giving them a small genuine smile.

"Is something wrong, honey," mom asked again. To which I simply shrugged and laid an arm around her shoulders.

"Nothing's wrong mom. Why do you ask," I questioned.

"You looked quite scared and upset. When I tried to hold you, you recoiled. And your eyes are red and soggy. Were you crying, my dear?" She gently caressed my hair putting on a show of fake concern.

"No, mom. I'm perfectly alright. Well, you see Lucas and I were having our little reunion, until you walked in and ruined it," I told her. She nodded her head slightly. I hope she bought the story.

"But you guys said something about Zander. Telling him about something?" Dad questioned. They were a lot smarter than I thought.

"Well, we wanted to inform Zander, um, about... Alyssa's birthday in the next ten days," Lucas said, as I took out a sigh of relief.

It was true. My birthday was coming up in ten days. And guess what, I had totally forgotten about it. How silly of me.

"Oh my lord, I'd totally forgotten. Harry, why didn't you remind me. I nearly forgot my own daugther's birthday." That made me want to gag.

"It isn't my fault that you forgot. I always remember my little angel's birthday," dad ruffles my hair, making it messier. I hate when everyone does that to my hair.

"Yeah, uncle Harry. Me too. I would never forget Al's birthday. 'Cause if I did, she would bury me six feet under," Lucas said to which I proceeded to whack him behind his head.

Dad and mom chuckle slightly, before walking out, leaving the both of us alone.

"Well then, that was close," I murmured, releasing a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, too close for comfort," Lucas said, wiping swear that had gathered in his forehead.

He headed to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a tub of ice cream. Mint flavoured. With delicious chocochip on it.

I hadn't realised that I was staring at it, my mouth open, drooling heavily in the process. Lucas caught me staring, and a playful smirk appeared on his lips.

"I totally forgot that you were into ice cream. My bad, Al. If you had told me earlier, I would have got you one. But alas, you're too late." Amusement was noticeable in his voice as he dug into the ice cream without bothering to share with me.

How dare he!

"Lucas..." I pleaded, giving him my huge puppy eyes and cute pouty lips.

"Your cute weapon isn't working on me, Al." His smirk grew wider, giving me the urge to punch him in the face.

I was about to say something, when a shrill cry for help, tore my attention away from him.

In a hurry, Lucas and I followed the sounds, which led me straight to mine and Zander's room. Many scenarios flashed in my head. My heart was pounding restlessly and I was sweating profusely. Something didn't feel right.

A warm hand covered mine, and I look to see that Lucas had intertwined his hand with mine. Only then had I realised that I was stuck in one place. Unable to move.

Gently, Lucas pulled me towards the room. My face turned pale when I saw the state of the room. Broken furniture everywhere. Zander's documents were trashed. Claw marks on the bed sheets. And what horrified me more than anything, was the pool of blood on the floor.

My legs gave out, making me limp slightly, but luckily, Lucas was by my side to catch me in time.

Eyes teary. Tears threatening to tumble down my cheeks. My thoughts wondered to one person. And before I could stop myself, the words tumbled out of my mouth.

"Where is Zander?"


Finally! I'm back in the writing mode! Ideas are flowing in my mind at the moment, so I'll be finishing off some chapters I still have to write. Updates will be daily, so watch out for notifications.

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