Chapter 32

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As my luck would have it,I knew Damien would give his infamous speeches. It was 7 in the morning, I didn't have anywhere to go but back to bed, and here he was giving me another lecture like I didn't ask him to drop it last night.

I sat on the nearest couch, half asleep, with water in my eyes. Rubbing my eyes, I hear a knock coming form the front door. Every bone in my body told me to go , back to bed and pretend this was all a dream, maybe then Damien would get the hint,,and never come around at 7 in the morning unless someone died. And looking at him, no one dead.

"Damien, " I began. He stands in front of me, waiting. "No matter what you say, I'm bot changing my mind." I say in between yawns.

"Well, you have to consider everything you've been through. Your a good guy, don't let one bad experience determined the rest if your life."

I scoffed, walking back to my room, as the knock came back. "I'm going to bed, let yourself out. And check who's at the door." I told him.

Again he stands there, but he's shocked, and now worried."Jack? " he says my name like he doesn't know me anymore, but he not wrong.

Being nice is hard, and that's exactly what I've been playing majority of my life. Now it's time to get back to the roots.

By the time I woke up, he was clearly gone, and so we're my chips and pack of soda.

What kind of doctor takes your food?

Now that's just plan out rude. I wasn't like that at all. I only hurt the people who decided it, and speaking of that my first day on the job started an hour ago.

Quickly I got dress, doing a dance as I tried to put my pants on as fast as I could. I brush and wash in the span of 8 minutes, and ran down the hall , in the elevator, and down to my car.

Father as usually was upset with whatever I do, even if you just graduated the day before. Pleasing my father was whole other ball park that I salute the survivors.

"Jack." he sneered showing his pearly whites, "your late."

"I had an busy morning." I told him, which wasn't a lie. Lying to him was another field that wasn't up for.

"That's no excuse. You wanted to earn your keep, now get to work. Now I say this with all the love I have for you, so....shoot someone." and then he walked away.

That was 2 years ago, and I wish I could a at Damien is okay with it because he's my brother no matter what, but that hasn't happened...yet.

I'm a 23 year old guy trying to find myself in my father shadows, so when I drove down back to the place it all started, I stared down at the floor. The blood wasn't there anymore, of course it wouldn't. I shot that man years ago, the moment I became who I am today even, if I don't want to admit it.

My phone rang, and instantly I placed it against my ear. "What's up?"

"Where are you?" Damien was on the other side of the line. I was supposed to be meeting him about something important. Its just he won't tell me what.

I met him half an hour later at a restaurant. He sat there tapping his fingers against the table until he glance up my way. He smiled at me while I walked over to his table when all of a sudded his face turned hard, as his eyes widen.

I turned around as I sat down. The person I had hope never to see again was standing right at the door with someone else holding their hand. I couldn't recognize that person until I saw his face.

"Damien what's going on?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "it's been 2 years." he whispered.

I wanted to leave, but it was to late. I was spotted and they were coming straight for me. Olive and Kian sat at our table. Olive barley brougHt her eyes to mine, while Kian seem relaxed and ready for whatever as about to happened.

"What's going on here?" I asked. I knew exactly what was happening. Damienh d talked my ear off about all of this, and how this new life had messed with me.

And so I forgives her, just for peace. It had been 2 years again, and I could tell it was hurting her. I'm not a bad person even of I try to be.

And that's why I stayed, not for her weak apology, but for Kian and Damien who were trying to make peace.

It was supposed to be longer, but I didn't want to end more to the story, I felt it was good to end it now then later on.

Hope you guys like the story. Sorry about bad ending, I'll edit it one of these days.

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