Chapter 22

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I woke up at the window with a blanket wrapped around me, and no one to be found.

Quickly I threw the blanket off me, and ran down the stairs, looking around the place.

Every where I looked they weren't there. And that just further my suspensions. Either that ran off and I should be thrilled and happy because she'll off my back, or they're both dead. Either way, I need to confirm it before it's too late.

So I rushed around the place, and when I finally gave up, I sat on the floor, rushing my hands though my hair, pulling on it too.

I thought we were getting somewhere, and then she was gone.

And again I felt asleep.

I woke up again, but by Kian hand. He kept shoving me around until I opened my eyes. When I caught a glimpse of me, I skyrocket up, staring him down. I pushed against his chest angry, but that was it.

"Calm down man. Chill out!"

"Chill out?" I questioned. "Chill out. No. Where's Olive? "

"That doesn't concern you."

I scoffed. "It doesn't. "

Honesty I didn't know what was happening to me. I felt like I wanted to break something, someone in particular too.

"I knew it!"

"Knew what? " my breathing had regulated, as I slowed down to listen to him.

"You like Olive."

"No, I'm just here to protect her you know. There's very bad people out there, and you know it too."

"Yesh, I know. But the way you too have been acting recently has made me wonder what changed?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on! " he said slapping his sides. " I wasn't born yesterday, I can tell when something smells fishy.".

"Well you don't need to worry about me and her there's nothing going on between us."

Kian shakes his head. "That's exactly what you said earlier, as if your trying to convince yourself of a fact."

"Or maybe your trying to convince yourself."

He rolled his eyes, amused. "I know how I feel, but clearly you don't. "

I walk up to him, making direct eye contact. "Trust me. Or relationship is strictly professional. "

He shrugged his shoulders, walking towards the stairs, but I stopped him. I called after him wondering where she had gone.

"Something about getting done air."

"What kind of friend are you?" I asked him.

He stepped down from the stairs, and scoffed shaking his head at me with disbelief.

"I'm her best friend. "

"Where is she?"

"Maybe she just wants some space from you okay! She's an adventurous type of girl, and being stuck in a prison doesn't help one but."

That's when it hit me. The way he talks about her, the look he gave me. I mean I knew he liked her, but risking your life for her was a different story.

"Why are you here?"

"Because she asked me too."

"No sane person would certainly voluntary risk their life after they got shot?"

"On the contrary, you'll find the amount of people running towards danger a very high amount. "


"Did I stutter?"

"No." I flashed a smile at his direction, followed me shaking my head. "So Olive wasn't in the equation romantically?"

"What do you want me to say I like her?"

"Yeah, I would." I nodded in agreement.

"Well I do, and so do you. I on the other hand can admit it. "

"She wouldn't want to date me, I'm trouble." I tell him shaking my head.

"Girls like the bad boy attitude. "

"But mine is real."

He nods, "I know. And that's why I think after all of this is over, you should just stay away. For everyone's protection."

"I figured."

"Good,at least we can agree on something. "

"Agree on what?" Both our head quickly turned to the voice by the door.

Olive stood there curious by how we looked so comfortable talking.

"On what to eat next!" Kian instantly said. His quick way of thinking saved us.

"Yeah, I want Chinese, but he wants pizza."

"Um, why don't we eat Chinese, something not junk food." She address.

"Yesh, your probably right. "Kian agreed.

Sorry for the wait, I didn't know what to write, and towards the end I figured it out. I'll probably edit it later anyway.

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P.s. Happy Holidays to everyone

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