Chapter 18

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I drove around for a while, as she sat there silent. She stared out the window thinking or something.  I didn't know what she was doing.

After a while I stopped for gas. When I stopped to pump some in, I glanced over at her to find her sleeping against the glass.

I smiled at it because of how funny she alway looks when she asleep.

And that when I decided to go back. I know. I know It's stupid going back to a place you were basically chased out of, but right now I was tired.

So I parked the car, when around and carried her up to our room.

I set her down on the bed, and cover her now shivering body.

I sat on the couch looking out the window,  more like making sure everything looked okay from below.

Olive moan a bit as she rolled her body over until she jumped up, looking around at her new area.

"Why are we back?" She asked.

And the only thing that came out my mouth was a story. "I was 8." I say clutching my hands tightly together.


"Why I'm like this." I paused, letting out a deep breath. "I was 8."

"You don't have to tell me." She says sitting up.

"No I what to." I sighed.

She nodded.

I looked down, and stared at my hands, that were slowly getting sweaty.

"My mom had remarried to this man who treated her like shit drunk. And one night he was hamnered, like full on drunk.
He started beating her, and I didn't know what to do.

I remembered he had a gun, and where he put it, so I ran for it.

I came downstairs and pointed it at him watching as he twister my mother arm. All he said was for me to stop. He told me to put it away before he got more angry, and that's when I had enough."

I brought my face up, to see her face shrivel up. "All my rang came out as I pulled the trigger and hit the side of his stomach.  I must have hit a nerve or vein because he started bleeding everywhere like crazy. And my mom who I was trying to protect pushes me away and towards the man who almost broke her arm." I stopped feeling my face heat up.

"I didn't understand that." I say shaking my head. "I really didn't." I sighed again.

"I wanted to believe it's because I've changed in her eyes all of a sudden when I shot him, but I knew that wasn't it. I knew she loved him more than she did me. Her own child.

Long story short, my neighbors called the police, and I ended up in the system.  But I was
only in it for a couple of weeks. My dad being the crime boss in everything, used his leaverge to get me out. And ever since I felt like I owned him sonething. That I had to be what he wanted me to be."

It went silent. For a couple of minutes the only thing you could hear was our differences in breathing.

"I'm sorry." She finally said.

"Don't say your sorry." I told her. I didn't want her pity being on me.

"I'm sorr...apologize. "

"That's the same thing."

"I don't know what to say right now but that." She said honestly.

"It's fine." I smiled at her.

"Jack, you didn't have to tell me."

"But you were right. We're going to be spending a lot of time that I don't plan on having with you, and we might as well get to know each other a little better."

And that's when the whole conversation shifted from my mom to my father.

"Hey, you don't own him anything."

"Yeah I do. He's my father."

"He's your dad."

Chuckling sarcastically, I said. "You know the best part of it all."


"She won't even talk to me. She's taken it to heart that I killed the love of her life, an a abusive drunken husband was the love of her life."

"People do things they wouldn't do for love."

I shaked my head, standing up.  "she doesn't love him. She doesn't get that. He's not the type of person you love." My eyes started to shut, and I knew I would cry.

"You care for her right?"


"Then don't stop fighting for her. "

"You think it's that easy?" I laughed.

"No, I know it is. You really love someone fighting should come easy. But then there's a point when you can't anymore."

I nodded, agreeing with everything she said.

"So is she worth it?"

"I think so. "

"No, there's no thinking.  Now, I'm going to ask you again. Is she worth it?"

I nodded. "Yes. Yes. "

"Then that's all that should be motivating you."

"Yeah, I guess your right." I looked away, then back to her. "Thank you."

"Thank you."

Hope you guys like this. I add adds little bit more of of his backstory.

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