7. Apologize

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Minjin's POV

"I'll choose Jungkook," I said until Taehyung pouted.

Suddenly Jungkook got a call from someone.

"Sorry Minjin, something urgent came up and I have to go. Taehyung don't try anything on her," Jungkook said and left in a hurry.

I could see Taehyung smirking at me.

"Aww rejections, rejections," Taehyung said bending down to my level and his face got closer.

"Shut up! I like Moonbin!" I said dreaming about Moonbin with his handsome, precious, sexy, pretty, awesome, soft, face.

"Stop dreaming! You'll never date him," Taehyung said teasing me.

"You never know if he could take my virginity," I said and I suddenly gasped.

"You're a virgin?" He asked me smirking.

"Not answering that question!" I said and I walked out of the hospital from the exit with Taehyung following behind me.

I was already on my way to my house and Taehyung kept on following me.

"Do you forgive me?" He asked.

"About my nude pics? Of course not. You see these people from our school looking at me like a slut?" I asked angrily thinking of those pics.

"Chill! I could delete them," He said taking out his phone.

"Put that shit down! People have memories you know?!" I said and stopped walking to face him.

"But you could make them lose their memories," He said.

"What are you? An alien?!" I said and continued walking down to my house.

"Of course not, but I could be your alien in bed," He said smirking.

"Hell no that ain't happening," I said crossing my arms to form an X.

"Fine, but do you forgive me?" He asked again.

"Nope," I said smiling cheekly to myself.

"How can I make it up to you?" He asked.

"If you delete those pics and tell everyone that those were actually your drawings of girls," I said.

"What?! I don't draw girls like that!" He said.

"Well atleast they will notice that you draw good," I said.

"Can't do that," He said crossing his arms.

"Okay unless you don't want me to forgive you," We both stoped walking and faced each other.

I tapped my foot waiting for an answer.

He sighed. "Where do I post my apologize leter?" He asked and I smiled.

"Delete my nude pics first," I said. I walked closer to him and watched Taehyung delete the post and nude pics on his phone.

"Done," He said giving me thumbs up.

"Now tell the earth that you are sorry on instagram, social media, twitter, facebook, dubsmash, and every app you posted on," I said and what the knowledge?!

"Dude! The entire earth and planets must have seen my nudes! How many apps do you have?!" I asked.

"59," He said calmly.

"I hate you," I said smacking his chest.

"But do you forgive me?" He asked.

"Yes. If you do that again I'll probably torture you," I said and we both continued walking.

"Like fifty shades of grey except you're the man and I'm the helpless girl?" He asked.

"Yes, but worser," I sarcastically said. Taehyung had a shock emoji on.

"I'm joking you pervert!" I said. "I would never do that because I'm a virgin," Then I suddenly gasp.

"Thanks! So you're a virgin?" Taehyung asked me.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'll take that as a yes! I'll make sure to make you feel pleasure," He said smirking.

"Who says I'm gonna do it with you?" I said and walked off to my house on the corner left next to the school.

I ran as fast as I could to avoid Taehyung from actually stalking me.

I opened the door quickly as possible until I heard a annoying voice.

"Cool. So your address is 1234 and you live next to the school. I'll make sure to stalk you," Taehyung said pretending to take notes.

"Don't you dare," I said giving him my death slare. Glare and stare is combined into slare. My famous death slare!

Taehyung got scared and ran away while holding his phone talking a picture of my house.

I could see his light going on and off whenever he took a picture.

I sighed and went inside my house to see Jinhee there.

"Hey Jinhee," I said.

"Spill the tae," She said.

"Fine eomma," I said and told her the whole story about me and Taehyung until she said this.

"You're grounded,".

"You can't do that," I said.

"Unless I lock you up in a dark room with nothing," she said.

"Ok ok," I said.

"Paboya! He might do something evil next!".

"Don't worry. He will meet my infires soon," I said thinking of someone.

???'s POV

I cancled my phone call.

"I miss you Minjin," I said looking at her picture of me and I.

I'm in the office right now in my school getting my papers ready to transfer to another school.

"Okay, you're all set to go!" My principal, Ms Park said.

"Thank you." I bowed down and left the room of hell. It's so akward watching someone do work while you're doing nothing.

I stepped outside and felt the nice cool breeze.

Soon my limo arrived and tomorrow I might transfer.

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