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A/N: It's been an official year since I wrote this book! WHoOT. (EST: June 10, 2017)
Thank you to those who have stuck around for this long xO.

[ their reaction to Sex Ed ]

Aries: wait babies don't come out of your stomach? - Kenny


Gemini: i'm uncomfortable D: - Kyle

Cancer: okay but what's a clitoris? - Gregory

Leo: vagina? More like vagiNO - Craig

Virgo: *the only one screaming even though they knew most of it* - Butters

Libra: that wasn't so bad after as I thought. wHO THE HECK LIED TO ME - Christophe

Scorpio: I already knew all of this - Token

Sagittarius: *eyes their crush* - Stan

Capricorn: my parents already told me this NOOBS - Cartman

Aquarius: wtf lol okay that's weird - Damien

Pisces: so that's where 'D' came from - Clyde


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