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[ South Park quotes ]

Aries: "You need to stop thinking with your dick." -Christophe

Taurus: "If I could yell tampon dick in the classroom, I'd be sooo happy." -Craig

Gemini: "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" -Stan

Cancer: "You BASTARDS!" -Kyle

Leo: "There are no stupid answers, just stupid people." -Mr. Garrison

Virgo: "What are you looking at, TURD?" -Shelly

Libra: "Screw you guys, I'm going home." -Cartman

Scorpio: "Drugs are bad, m'kay!" -Mr. Mackey

Sagittarius: "Why do girls wear makeup and perfume? Because they're ugly and smell bad." -Butters (okay people I now know it's Craig. Sorry! I wrote this book when I was still new to the SP fandom. ;0;)

Capricorn: "Don't preach to me fatso!" -Towelie

Aquarius: "He's got such a hot ass." -Bebe

Pisces: "Stay AWAY from my man, BITCH!" -Wendy


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