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[ Them in the hot day ]


Taurus: pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool pool (and hot chicks maybe-) - Kenny

Gemini: smiles through the sweat like it doesn't even bother them but they're actually suffering - Token

Cancer: *spongebob voice* I NEEEEEEED WATER!!1!1! I NEEEEEED IT SKJCJEJFJE - Craig

Leo: lol I'm dying someone get me an ice cold lemonade and an air conditi— - Cartman

Virgo: just think of cold stuff. Ice.....snow....Antarctica... Antarctica would probably melt in this heat oH FUCK ITS SO HOT OUT - Stan

Libra: sits in the shade like a fucking SMART person god dammit - Gregory

Scorpio: probably takes off their clothes because it's tOO DAMN HOT - Christophe

Sagittarius: plays the "I'm too hot (hot damn)" part of Uptown Funk TOO MANY FUCKING TIMES - Butters

Capricorn: I wonder how long it'll take me to die in this wasteland - Damien

Aquarius: has literally everything they need. Is under an umbrella, has water and isn't complaining at all god fucking damnit Kyle.

Pisces: to the tune of  'Let it Go'  a kingdom of FUCKING SUNBURNS and it looks like I'M GONNA FUCKING DIE. - Clyde


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