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[ How they defined 'Love' ]

Aries: "It's just a feeling. I guess." - Kyle

Taurus: "Love means that you accept a person with all their failures, stupidities, ugly points and nonetheless. You see perfection in imperfection itself." - Craig

Gemini: "Love is just a word. Until you find someone who gives it the definition." - Butters

Cancer: "When your dad fucked your mom." - Cartman

Leo: "Love is the 7th sense of human that destroys all the six senses and make the person non-sensed." - Gregory

Virgo: "Ze fucking three hardest words to say in ze fucking English Language." - Christophe

Libra: "Love is that stupid thing your heart does when it won't listen to your brain telling it to shut up." - Tweek

Scorpio: 👉👌 - Kenny

Sagittarius: "Its a form of amnesia when a girl forgets there are 1.2 billion other boys in the world." - Stan

Capricorn: "Giving them the last piece of cake, no matter how much you want it." - Token

Aquarius: "..." - Damien

Pisces: "Love is a blind whore with mental disease and no sense of humor." - Clyde


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