30. Will You Stay With Us

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Annie's POV

Ugh, I feel like shit. Why does everything hurt so much? My eyes flutter open slowly and bright white lights blind me.

Crap, I'm dead.

"Annie?" I hear Cody's voice.

I really am in hell.

I fully open my eyes and see Cody and his bright ass hair leaning over me. Something drips on my face right before my vision becomes clear. Tears were running down his face as he wipes them away.

"S-sorry," He sniffles, "I just thought you would never wake up."

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"About twelve days. You fell unconscious in the ambulance ride here." He explains, "They didn't let me go with you, but Bogo let me and everyone else use a SUV."

"How is everyone?" I sit up with Cody's help.

"Well right now they are all back at the agency filling out reports and giving their sides of stories. I gave my information a few days ago and spent most of my time here waiting for you." He answers.

"What about Nate?"

"Him and the other two on his team were sent on another mission but he asked me to give you this." Cody walks to a small couch with a blanket on it and grabs a black backpack on the arm rest.

He opens it up and pulls out a white envelope. He hands it to me and sits at the edge of my bed. I open it up and pull out a folded white paper.

I unfold the paper and read, Dear Annie, I'm sorry I can't be there when you wake up, but I left this with Cody so hopefully he gives it to you. I love you more than you realize but I don't think you deserve me. When you were hurt it wasn't me who was by your side. Seeing Cody there next to you made me realize that he cares for you more than me. All of this is hurting me to say but it's all true. I will never stop loving you. Just remember that no matter what I'm just a call away. Love, Nate.

I let out a depressed sigh and fold the note back up.

"Is everything okay?" Cody asks.

I look up at him and grab the collar of his shirt to pull him closer.

"Do you still love me?" I ask.

He smirks and scoots closer to me, "Of course I do."

I smile back and push my lips against his. He presses back and softly wraps his arms around my waist, and I wrap my arms around his neck. I don't know how long we were in that trance but someone starts laughing.

"Smoochy smoochy smoochy~!" Allen makes kissing noises with his lips perked.

Cody pulls away and looks back with a bright smile. Allen, Miwa, and Steve were in the door way. Steve had flowers, Allen had a box of chocolates,  and Miwa had a small black box in her hands.

"Happy to see you awake." Steve nods.

"It's about time you woke up!" Allen skips in and places the box on a table next to my bed.

Miwa hands Cody the box and winks at him. All at once, everyone turns to stare at me. My smile disappears and I look at everyone questionably.

"Will you stay with us?" Cody asks.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"Will you become part of our team?" Cody holds my hand.

"We'll give you all the bombs you want!" Allen drops to his knees and clasps his hand together.

It's as if his puppy dog eyes were staring into my soul. I start to laugh and everyone starts to smile.

"No." I instantly stop my laughing and stare all of them in the eyes.

Cody had the biggest reaction. I could literally see his heart break in his eyes, it was as if his soul had left his body.

I start giggling again, "I was just joking. Yes, I'll stay."

Cody shakes his head and laughs, "You're so evil."

He hands me the small black box and I take it slowly. Inside was a necklace with a silver ocean wave pendant.

"The other necklace I got you broke and we got it all the way in California so I had someone make you a new one." Cody smiles.

I smile and look up at everyone, "Thank you guys."

I only stayed in the hospital for a couple of more days until they gave me the 'okay' to go home. Nikkie drove me to my house but couldn't stay long because of a mission she had just been assigned to. The house was empty, as always. Bogo was at the agency and only came to see me once in the hospital.

I walk up to my room with Coco right behind me. My room was just the same as when I left. I look around and feel loneliness start to consume me. That is until I hear footsteps in the hall way. I dive to the floor and reach under my bed for one of my knives. Coco starts to bark and runs out of the room and into the hallway.

"Annie!" Cody yells in fear.

I roll my eyes and get up from the ground. I poke my head into the hall and see Cody standing on the stair railing with Coco barking at him.

"Coco." I call her over.

She leaves Cody and he climbs down the railing.

"What are you doing here?" I ask while petting Coco.

"Bogo wanted us to come check up on you." Cody answers.

"Us?" I ask.

"Where is the left over pizza?" Allen yells from down stairs.

"You can't just come into people's homes and eat their food, Allen." Steve says.

I shake my head with a bright smile. Cody chuckles and holds out his hand for me to take. I stare at it then place my hand in his. We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen while holding hands. Allen was rummaging  through the fridge, Miwa was typing away on her phone, and Steve was trying to get Allen out of the fridge.

Me and Cody laugh and look at each other. I don't feel lonely with them here. I hope I never feel lonely again. I hope I don't lose them like I lose everything else.

Cody leans down and lightly kisses my lips.

"Who's up for a movie night?" He asks looking up at everyone.

We all smile and nod like little kids. As we all walk outside to the SUV I stop and the door entrance and watch everyone run to the car. It felt like I had another chance at life, or another chance to protect what I have. Someone grabs onto my hand and I'm pulled away from my deep thoughts. Cody was smiling at me and I smile back. As we come up to the car he opens the door for my I chuckle.

This is definitely not the end. I know that for sure.


Hey guys!

So this is the second to last chapter of Teen Spy. There is going to be an Epilogue next, but there will also be a 2nd book in this series coming out next month on June 20 around 3:00 west coast time.

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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