27. Yes!.... My Girl.

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Nate's POV

"Anything yet?" I asks through the ear piece.

"No, I don't even recognize anyone here." Steve replies.

I sigh and walk to the dark end of the crowded room. All these masks are distracting and I can't stare at anyone for too long or else I would surely stick out like a sore thumb.

"I think I see Craig near the catering table." Miwa says.

I hardly even turn my head, my heart skipping a beat, and see the back of his head three feet in front of me.

Oh shit. I say in the back of my mind.

I regather myself and reach into my pocket to pull out a small tracking device. Now all I have to do is get it clipped to anywhere he won't see it. This little thing is black and so is the tuxedo he's wearing so this shouldn't be too hard.

I walk casually by him and clip it on without anyone noticing. I know I've done this a lot but I still get nervous.

Now it's just time to wait.

Cody's POV

There is no time to wait! I need to get this thing off of me! This suit is so fucking annoying. People won't stop staring at me and I'm beginning to loose it! I make my way to the food table and pick up a plate.....and almost drop it when I see the person across the table stuffing their face with anything within reach,..... And damn! He got a good hair cut!

Ding Ding Ding you guessed it...... It's Allen.

I begin to look around the room and now that I'm really looking. I was able to find Miwa and Steve immediately, and if they are here then Annie must be too. Which means, by the end of the night, this place will be up in flames.

This team is the craziest one I know so I might wanna talk to one of them before they shoot me. Let's see..... If I talk to Allen then he will  flip out and draw attention...... If I talk to Miwa then she'll probably slap me...... If I talk to Annie... She will stab me....... Welp I guess that means I'm talking to Steve.

He's across the room so I have to get there before-

"Oh excuse me." A girl about my age bumps into me and smiles.

I nod back and look up but can't find Steve anymore. Miwa and Allan also have disappeared and I even look for the girl that bumped into me but she was gone as well.

Crap...... There are two agent teams here, aren't there?

I hear screaming and then feel an electric shock buzz through my body. I fall to the ground in pain, unable to move anything but my arms. I heard screams, and they definitely weren't mine, so that means it's not just me that this happened to.

"I want everyone who didn't get shocked to get their assess out of here!" A guy yells.

Many people run out through the front door and nearly trample on me. Once the room was cleared enough someone kicks me so I roll over on my back. As I open my eyes a gun barrel was pointing straight at me and the guy holding it was looking down at me in disgust.

"Don't shoot!" Allen pushs the gun away.

"Don't shoot? I knew you were stupid but I didn't realize how much! This is the Shadow Killer!" The guy yells.

"No shit!" Allen growls, "I'm not stupid! I only keep my spirits high to at least bring some joy to any team I'm with.", he looks down at me, "Take off that stupid mask."

I sigh and unstrap it from my face.

The guy sees my face but it looks as if his anger only grew, "So you're the fuck face that hurt my girl, Annie."

"You're girl?" Me and Allen both question.

"Yes!.... My girl." His voice changes with that small sentence and his slight bouncing stance becomes super awkward.

Me and Allen look at each other and burst into laughing tears.

"Will you guys focus for one second?" Miwa roars through our laughter.

Me and him both cover our mouths with smiles still on our faces. In a second Allen's face turns serious and he kicks me in the side. I grunt and grip my side.

"That's for making us think you were dead!" He says and then turns on his heal to walk away.

I sit up and chuckle. I look over to see Steve handcuffing Brad. He looks over at me with the scariest glare he has ever given.

Nate pulls out his phone and types away before throwing it against the wall.

"Craig broke his tracker and he most likely already left the building." He growls.

I get to my feet and Allen pulls a clip off the back of my suit.

"I thought you would actually catch me putting this on you." He snikers.

"When were you even next to me?" I question.

"I'm a spy for a reason." Allen says while presenting his 'best' ninja moves.

I just chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Why would you do this, Cody?" Brad asks, "Why would you betray your family?"

"What family? I only ever saw you guys as tortures." I answer.

"And how do you see yourself?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Myself? I hate myself. I hate my entire life. But when I'm with these people I'm a completely different person." I smile, "These people make me smile and actually enjoy myself. So, I've decided to stay with them for the rest of my short life."

Allen turns to me, "What do you mean by short?"

What I said was a joke and I turn to tell him what I meant... That is before bullets start to fly around us. The guns were so loud and it sounded like there were millions of them. Me and Allen quickly run into the giant hall and hide around the corner with our ears covered.

I look back around the corner, with bullets still flying, and see Miwa and Steve hiding in a small opening in the wall. I can't see the guy I was talking to but the girl that bumped into me was hiding in another hall.

I look back to Allen and see him staring at his bloody hand. I quickly get down to him and search his body for wounds. He was shot in the chest but it went through his body and hopefully didn't go through anything important.

"Don't worry, Allen, you're going to be fine." I say pulling his gaze away from his hand.

"It hurts." He groans.

A small dot of blood started to fall from the corner of him mouth and a tear runs down the side of his face. I hug him and pull out my 9mm gun.

"You'll be fine. I promise." That's all I can say.

I lean him against the wall and wait for the shooting to clear up then poke my arm and face around the corner. I shoot at least five times until all the attention is shot at me.

I'm so screwed.



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