2. We Arnt Friends

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We enter the white modern box like mansion and the inside was huge. To the right was a kitchen with white counter tops, black cabinets, and a black table in front of the silver fridge. To my left was a wide living room with on long TV and three black couches all facing it. The entire floor was shinny white marble tiles; and, I already know after this mission it's going to be destroyed.

Curly runs to the fridge before we can even put our bags down but, something about him reminds me of Jake. Miwa reminds me of Jackson and Mr. Steroids reminds me of Caden. Blondy just reminds me of why I want to shoot myself.

"So I never got your guy's names!" Curly says as he stuffs his face with chips.

"I'm Miwa." Blue nods her head.

"Steve." Mr. Steroids answers.

"Annie." I say.

"Cody." Blondy smiles.

"My names Allen." Curly had small crumbs of chips falling from his mouth.

I roll my eyes and head up stairs with my rolling suitcase. Once I get upstairs there was a big circle opening and doors all along the walls. I choose the closest door and drop my suit case on the freshly made bed. The room was simple with only a white bed and a walk in closest in front of it. I walk to the window and move the white curtains out of the way. I had a perfect view of the ocean with only two palm trees covering up not even most of the sights. I smile while watching the waves crash and seeing it run up the sand. After enjoying a few minutes, I unpack my stuff and head back down stairs.

Steve is watching T.V., Miwa was stitching her slightly torn black motorcycle gloves, and Allen was playing on his phone while still eating chips at the table. Cody walks in without a shirt and only has sweats and socks on. He grabs a bottle water out of the fridge and I pour a cup of ice water on his back.

Thanks to whoever left that cup on the counter.

"Shit!" He says as he instantly gets goose bumps.

"Wear a shirt next time, and I won't do that to you." I say.

"I'm going down stairs to the gym." He defends himself.

"I don't care. I don't want to see your muscles unless there hot!" I say heading to the couch.

I pull out my phone and go onto google maps. I look around our surroundings and zoom in on a couple of spots dropping pins on them.

"What are you doing?" Miwa asks.

"The mission." I answer.

"Without us?" Steve asks.

"Yes, consider this your week/month off." I say.

"That's not happening!" I hear Cody yell from the kitchen.

"Shut up, will ya!" I yell back at him.

"There is a reason we are all agents." Allen says.

"I work alone." I respond.

"We will get everything done quicker if we work together." Cody chimes in.

"Listen, Blondy, just because Bogo made you leader doesn't mean I will listen." I scoff.

"My name is Cody!" He grits out.

"Blondy." I repeat in a mocking tone.

His eyes narrow and I hear Allen chuckle a little.

"You guys will only slow me down." I say.

"We will see about that." Miwa crosses her arms.

"We should learn each other's skills first and work with that." Steve points out.

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