20. Lets Get You A Hair Cut

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Annie's POV

"BUGGIE!!" Daniela yells and punches Chris.

"Dammit, that's the fifth one!" Chris yells.

"You should have eaten your carrots as a child, only then will you have perfect eyesight like me." Daniela put her hand on her chest.

Chris mutters stuff under his breath and Daniela comes up next to me and Nate. She looks up at Nate who is asleep right now and has both of my earbuds in. She grabs my phone and winks at me. I just smile and wait for the fun to happen.

Daniela turns up the volume all the way and Nate's eyes fly open. He yanks the earbuds out of his ears.

"Daniela!" He yells and swats at her.

She laughs and crawls quickly back to her seat.

We are currently in Pennsylvania, about to enter New Jersey. We have been driving for 2 hours. We would have been in New Jersey already but this traffic isn't going anywhere.

I unbuckle myself and climb over Nate. I walk to the front right next to Nichole and Steve.

"How much longer?" I ask.

"Well this traffic is shit so I'm saying probably another three to four hours." Steve answers.

"It's almost twelve. Should we get something to eat?" Nichole asks.

"If you guys are hungry." Steve shrugs.

"I'll ask." I say and turn around, "Are you guys hun-"

"YES!" Everyone except for Nichole and Steve yell.

"Well that answers it." Steve says.

I chuckle and head back to my seat. I look at the back and see Miwa and Allen playing I spy. Daniela and Chris are seeing who can punch harder and right now it looks like Daniela is winning.

Steve goes onto a different road and we leave the highway.

"So want sounds good?" Steve asks.


"Jack in the Box!"

"Taco Bell!"




"Can we agree on one spot?" Steve groans.

A moment of silence comes over the van and we all look at each other.


"Jack in the Box."

"Taco Bell."




Steve groans again and we all chuckle.

"Me-n-Eds it is then." He says.

"But none of us said that." Allen protests.

"I did, and I'm driving." He responds.

We drive for about five minutes until we finally pull up to a mini mall. Steve hands me $20 and I get off the van. Daniela, Nichole, and Allen get down with me and we head inside the pizzeria.

Allen and Daniela run to the arcade games and play air hockey. Nichole stays with me but plays on her phone. I order a large pizza and some hot wings. Daniela comes up behind me as we wait for the pizza.

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