The Library Girl

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I experienced something very odd when I was in primary school. I attended, as a kid, a small village school called Woodseaves Primary. It's located in the west-midlands of England. This happened 5 years ago.

I was in year 5 at the time, 10 years old and towards the end of the academic year. In our class, if you had finished reading a book in the morning, you'd have to take it back to the library, which was a new construction in the school (4 years old at the time), attached to the hall. I'd just finished a book this particular day, and so, I went to get a new one.

I went through the doors to the library, and saw this little girl, probably about two years younger than me (eight), her back towards me, reading a book. She was the only person in the room. I noticed she was crying, so I asked "What's the matter". A delayed 3 or so seconds later, she turned around. I don't know why, but she just really startled me, and her appearance was quite shocking. She had short, ginger hair, tangled and matted, with glasses on which looked like they were from around the 70's or 80's, John Lennon like, she has bruises all along one side of her face. I couldn't see much of what she was wearing, but it was some kind of petty-coat, navy blue and white, I can't recall whether it was the blouse which was white or whether it was the over-dress. She had little lace-up boots on too. I didn't recognize her as a child from our school, and as it was a tiny village school, I knew the names of every kid.

This is all I can remember of her, it is quite a lot; because I stared at her for about ten whole seconds before realizing something was very wrong. It was the way she was staring at me, and the feeling in the room, which was so un-nerving. She wouldn't say anything, and just kept staring. I dropped the book and ran back out of the library to my classroom, passing a younger boy on the way.

When I got to the classroom, my classmates seemed quite shocked, because I was apparently, very pale and startled looking. I didn't speak to anyone until lunch, when my friend began to grow concerned about me.

I told him "Don't laugh, but I think I've seen a ghost," and he asked whether it was "a girl with ginger hair and glasses wearing clothes which aren't our school uniform, bruises all down her face," and I replied "yes", and he told me about how his brother had seen the same girl about the time when the library was opened. I didn't really discuss this any further.

When I got home, my brother was also concerned, because I'd been crying, so I told him. He asked whether anyone else was in the library, and I told him about the boy I'd passed who was going to the library. The next day, my brother asked this boy whether he'd seen her too (bear in mind he was about 5 seconds away from the door when I left) and said he saw no one in there.

These were the only two people I told (my friend and brother) for about three years; I was too frightened to tell anyone - it had affected me quite badly. I'd never go into the library alone, I'd cry about it, and even being in the hall alone was un-nerving. But now, I've told two other friends, my parents, Aunt and recently, my English class, and have decided to let others know now that my brother has left the school.

I believe the school is haunted. Other children and teachers admit to having seen things; even my younger cousin, who also saw something in the library. Even the very skeptical Head-master has seen something, just won't admit it's a ghost. All of the figures seen by other people (apart from the person seen by the Head) have been children, and on occasion, teachers.

The only thing I don't understand is how she appeared in this new construction and reacted to my voice. I'd always believed that ghosts are natural replays of previous events, but to me, this proves otherwise. I don't know what to think, but perhaps you can make something of it otherwise. I'd never believed in ghosts before this happened, but now I can't help but think that there are things we can't explain out there.


So! I guess this is it for this book! 100 chapter, 100 stories, 100 different experiences!

I hope you guys found these stories as interesting and spooky as I did!

I might soon upload Part 2 for this book, depending on your feedback on this one!

Love Always!


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