PRAGYA: Black Magic Ruined My Life

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FEB 2013

To begin with I must share that I am a tarot reader since I was 14 years old. I have always felt myself sensitive to energies around me. This includes people and the vibes they give to me. What I am going to share with you have happened since February. The last experience I had was on 19th May 2013.

I am married to an army officer and we need to stay in cantonments. There is lots of forest areas around. But I never felt unsafe somehow. I had been living in this house since last 2 years. Lots of good things also happened in this house. But on 15th of Feb my husband fought with my mother and then things took a turn. My mother-in-law was present and she was instigating my husband, which I saw with my eyes. I have a love marriage so I was shocked to see my husband behaving strangely.

After this episode I got the entire house checked. I had some intuition and here I want to mention my husband is Bengali. Black magic is prevalent in Bengal. I found certain things below the mattress of my room. My mother-in-law has took an apple as Prasad and after Pujas gave it to my husband, who very next day fought with my mother.

Three to four days after this incident I was sleeping in my room. My husband was not there. The door was closed. I felt some thing dark and hooded entered the room, walked through and entered the wall. I will say I am confused whether I was sleeping or awake. But somehow I got fully awake after this and I felt very strongly that something was there on my bed side which I cannot see but which is there I felt a surge of fear in me. Those were winters. I threw my blanket off did not even wear my slippers and glasses and rushed for the door. At the door I again looked back and I felt strong fear in me I rushed out. I was crying and went to Pooja room and slept there. I consoled myself that it was a bad dream. After 2 days I had viral and entire week I was on bed.

Here I would mention that last year in September when I was again alone (since my husband has to keep going for assignments) while I was coming through the gallery of my house I felt a shadow passing on the kitchen cabinet which was tall and hooded, as if wearing a cape. I passed it off as my shadow which I did check. There was no shadow getting casted on the cabinet from where I was standing. But I decided that it may be something but I should ignore it.

Anyways coming back to incident in the month of March. My husband had to go to camp, then again I had to be alone for 2 months. On 15th March my husband fought with me on phone for no apparent reason and told me to leave the house forever. I was upset. I have started sleeping in another room after the last incident and will keep pictures of God under my pillow and on bed side. At around 2.15 am I felt something entering the door. The door was closed. So the apparition came through the door. I am again not sure what state I was in, I felt it was semi-conscious state. I saw the frontage of the apparition. It was apparition of a Muslim woman. It was wearing black burqa with beautiful hijab in silk material of sea green color with blue checks. That is how precise I remember it even today. I had this feeling that she was middle aged and from rich background. And was on fatter side with round face. There were no features on the face just something whitish even her hands were rounded and whitish. I saw it and I prayed to God that I am too tired to deal with such forces. Please take care of me. On this prayer it vanished and I hear a bang. I was then fully awake and again I heard a loud bang from the next room. The bang again came twice. Surprisingly I was not scared at all may be because I was having picture of Hanumanji with me.

The next day I checked the next room. The bangs which I heard last night could have been if someone bangs the steel almirah. But there was nobody in the house besides me. Then I got scared.

My friend's mother was staying in civil so I started going to her place every night to sleep and would come back every morning. However, this was not the end.

However, after 4 days of the last incident, another incident happened but in broad daylight.

I was going for my bath. I have this habit of closing all doors before going for bath since there is huge window. I simply pulled the door and went to kitchen for some work. When I returned I found the door was half ajar. I took it that it must not have been closed properly. Here I would mention that this was the door of the same room where I first saw the apparition. I pulled the door again, but it did not even budge. I tried to pull it towards myself but it will not move. It felt it was made of stone. I checked if some door mat was stuck in door. There wasn't. I checked for the screw and the stopper. Everything was alright. It felt as if it was stuck or something is holding the door. Then with all my strength I again pulled it and very heavily it made a screeching sound and closed with a huge bang against the frame.

I then went for the bath and there a strange smell of rotten flesh started coming. I was in despair. I tried thinking scientifically that it must be some problem with drain. I quickly got dressed and went to check the drains everything was alright.

Now I was unnerved. I started doing my regular Pujas and I do not know but I started crying out of fear. I felt energy being drained out of my body.

I moved out of my house. I felt I am going insane. I decided to change my location. So I went to my parents' place who live in another city.

While all this was happening my husband has stopped communicating with me after 15th March. After that he did not even wish me on festival. I started staying depressed.

We contacted a priest who told that black magic has been done on my husband by my mother-in-law and she wants him to get married again for dowry sake. All the experience I had were real.

I have been trying to resolve my marital issue but my husband will not listen. His colleagues have also tried, even they find his behavior strange. He mentions his mother in every line he speaks. He keeps saying his mother is always right and my pivot is my mother. I am sharing this information because our priest has told us that he is under vashikaran spell.

On 20th May we were supposed to shift to another location so I came back home to pack the things on 14th May. On 18th May, again for few hours, I was alone at home. I went to bath and was getting dressed up when the door of my room, which was slightly closed opened, with a screeching sound. I looked in that direction. It opened further slowly then stopped. Then again it opened a little further.

It felt as if some one was peeping in and hesitantly opening the door. Because it would open a little then stop and again open further and then stop and then again further. I felt frustrated and I opened the door myself completely. As I did this I felt a hot gush of wind on my face. I started chanting hanuman chalisa. That was the last thing that happened in the house.

But that very evening my next door neighbour's little daughter of 7 years age came to me as she was feeling scared at home. Her mother is a doctor and was on duty. She was at home with her nanny. She confided in me that she has started feeling scared at home since last 10 days. She sees people in her room coming from the wall and merging into wall. She is unable to get sleep at night and remains awake. I felt concerned for her. Next day I talked to her mother who told me that her husband is also not behaving properly with her. And all the time talking of his mother.

I was stunned has the black magic spread to her house. Is it possible?

I am still staying away from my husband who is with his mother right now and does not even speak to me. The last thing he messaged me was he is taking his mum to the new location and I should join him after 4 or 5 months.

Is there any suggestion solve this problem because my life has got ruined by black magic? Please help if possible.

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