LADYKNIGHT: seen With Our Own Naked Eyes

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Let me give you a brief background, my mother was abducted by an explainable creature when she was 7. It told her that after 15 years, it will get her again so that it can marry her. The next morning, my grandfather found her in the middle of the forest, sleeping on banana leaves. Since then, my mother started to attract negative energy toward her. Somehow, I believe she became a medium. I will save the whole story for another article.

Anyway, the incident happened in our house, 10 years ago. I was in sixth grade back then. My sister, my brother, and I were watching television late that Friday night. It was almost 1 a.m. When suddenly, our mother woke up. She approached us saying that we should go to bed because we have classes the next day. All three of us laughed and said that the following day was a Saturday so there is no need to wake up early. As my sister said "Ma, please step aside, we are watching," my older sister tried to hold our mother in her right arm so she can make our mom step aside, her hand did not touch anything. I mean, her hand went through our mother's arm! She fell silent. My brother and I saw what happened and we just looked at each other. Our "mother" went back to bed after that.

All three of us hurriedly went to our room! My sister said "Did you see that? I did not hold anything!" Then we dropped the subject and went to sleep.

The next morning, we told our mother about what happened the night before and she could not believe it! She said that she was sleeping soundly that night beside our father. She then asked us if the woman that we saw looked us in the eye, and we said no. The woman's face was pale white and her eyes were sore. Then our mother just said, whatever happened and whatever it was that we saw, Just keep it to ourselves and pray. She told us not to mind it the next time we shall see the woman.

A week later, my sister got sick because she saw the same woman outside our room's window. Then my father prepared incense and prayed for my sister. She recovered immediately. My sister told me that after the incident, every time she sees the woman, she gets sick or something bad happens to her.

These are just some of the many paranormal events that happened to me. I wish to share more so please watch out for my other stories.

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