Wake Up

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This has only ever happened once but ever since it happened I have trouble sleeping.

I live in New Haven, MI. One night about 3 years ago, I can't remember the date exactly. I woke up in the middle of the night and the first thing I noticed is that I can't move at all. I can see OK, I can blink, and that's about it. Now before anyone asks I know for a fact I was not dreaming. Because when asked the next day my sister (who sleeps in the room right next to mine), told me that during the night the sound of the dog growling and barking woke her up and she got scared thinking someone was breaking in, I start to panic a little bit, but then I notice that it feels like someone is petting my arm. Similar to how one may try to pet a cat. I didn't feel threatened or in danger, but it did scare me quiet a bit. This goes on for quiet sometime, and only stops when my dog walks into the bedroom and starts to growl. As soon as he growls the petting stops, and I realize I can move again.

This has only ever happened once but ever since then I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like someone is watching me. My dog avoids my room during the day but will come into my room and sleep every night. He always lays directly next to me almost like he is trying to protect me. And often times when I wake up I hear him growling as well. Any ideas on what this might be, or how I might get rid of it. It's been making it very difficult to function some days cause I sometimes get woken up as often as 2 or 3 times a night. Also I would like to know if anyone can tell me if they have had something similar happen to them and what came of it.

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