Happy Birthday

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When I was 9 years old, we lived in a 3 bedroom house that has a big front & backyard. Nothing was odd or weird going on at the first few months after we moved in. As the months go by, I started feeling that something is wrong or something is going on inside & around the house. I would hear footsteps in the hallway when no one's there. I would see the bathroom lights turning on and off by itself even when no one was using it. The electric fan was on even when it wasn't even plugged. The chandelier would sway back and forth for no apparent reason.

It got worse at night, especially when we're all asleep. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see by my bedroom door a woman slowly floating away. I would see shadows even when the lights were on. I saw a woman in white in my backyard just staring at the full moon.

Finally, one night, I woke up and at the foot of my bed was a woman staring outside my bedroom window. I thought it was my mom so I called out "Mom?". The woman turned around and she smiled at me. Then she said "Happy Birthday". Because I was so drowsy with sleep that I just said "thanks". The following morning I asked my mom if she was in my bedroom and greeted me happy birthday. My mom said "No, I wasn't in your room this morning or last night" I didn't want to know who was in my bedroom that night.

We moved out of that house after 3 years. The family that moved in after us had worse experience than us. But that's another story...

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