Running Out Of Options

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First of all I'm 21 and I always try to find rational explanations for everything but for somethings I just can't explain. And at this point, even after moving houses strange things still happen.

It's difficult to pinpoint when this all started cause it's been many years. I saw my first exorcism when I was a young child (hiding behind the door). I have seen several since then though and had ones done on me.

I've had sleep paralysis.

I see dark and light shadows. Sometimes I see light of different colors around things.

I've heard things whispering in my ear and touching me (pushing/choking) when I'm wide awake.

I can feel if there is a strange presence in a room.

I can smell strange things (which I believe to be a presence) and I have dreams where people appear to me (deceased relatives of a friend) and told me things about his past which turned out to be true.

Now I'm not sure if it's the house or my family, but since my grandmother died she has been appearing to my mother in her sleep with messages as well (usually predictions about the future) which are surprisingly accurate. My mother also believes that I see/hear/smell/feel what I do as sometimes she can as well.

I am currently concerned about the house I'm in, it's always been a bit "creepy" and I've heard some unpleasant things about the people that lived here before us and what they allegedly did in the house (torture and murder, possible dabbling in the occult) but I can't blame the house alone though because these things have been happening from before. If anything, as bad as this house is, it's still better than our last one. I'm just tired of being able to "feel" this things that most other people can't.

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