Chapter 9

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I'm sorry this one is a little late, I have a lot of animals to take care of, and things are getting really hot where I live.

No warnings for this chapter! It's a little slow since you need a small break from the heart wrenching, but the action will pick up again. This is necessary filler, and there is such a thing.

Please enjoy, and give your honest opinions like you wonderful people always do! 


"Uncle Owen"

"Hey...I think she's starting to wake up..."

Owen glanced at the shifting Indominus, and he nodded in agreement. Elise had been growing a little more active, but she had yet to do anything promising yet. He was sure Claire would page him to come to dinner soon, but he didn't want to leave until Elise was back in her paddock, where it was safe.

He had to be here when she woke up. Even if it meant being a little late to dinner. Claire had ordered him to make Elise's well-being a priority, so she couldn't get mad at him, right?

Owen only continued to gently rub Elise's scaled cheek before swatting a mosquito away. He hated the little bloodsucking insects, even if they had made this park possible. Owen looked at Barry when the man quietly said, "I hope Dr. Gerry can get these teeth out..."

Owen nodded in agreement as he turned his gaze to the sharp daggers. He hadn't realized how her jaw seemed to be crooked until he had actually looked for it, and her teeth did seem a little crowded. Owen wondered how he would convince Elise to allow Gerry to pull her teeth out.

Owen also wondered if Dr. Gerry would be able to scare Elise like he did everyone else on the island. Did Gerry scare Rexy? Owen bet he did.

"I think he'll be able to; it sounds like she's been trying to get rid of them on her own anyways..."

Barry nodded, and his gaze flickered over to the open, massive, steel door. Owen could see he was thinking about it, and Barry quietly said, "She's out cold right now...we could go see who's been keeping her company..."

Owen was really tempted by that; Elise probably never would know. He wouldn't even have to cross the line she had made for him. He would be able to see into the cave easily, but he glanced back at Barry as he asked, "You've been here this whole time. Why didn't you go in? Did Doc see anything?"

Barry sighed as he rested against Elise's ribcage, and said, "I did, but I didn't get very far. I told Dr. Gerry about it, and you know what he said?"

"I can only imagine."

They shared a chuckle, and Elise let out a long, deep breath. Owen glanced at her hopefully; he wanted to see those crimson eyes again, but he was disappointed when she did nothing. That tranquilizer had really knocked her out.

Owen rested against her nose, and Barry said, "He said if she had gone out of her way to make it that obvious that she didn't want us to see what was in there, we deserved to get eaten for crossing that line. Dr. Gerry didn't even go near there; he said it was disrespectful to Elise."

Barry shrugged to himself before adding, "It made sense, and she's not hurting anyone by wanting a little privacy. We don't touch the bottle caps in Delta's nest, and we don't go peeping into Elise's little cave."

Owen immediately agreed; even he had a small box of memoirs he never let anyone see. Stupid, cheesy poems to lost loves, pictures of close family, even his first dog's collar. He didn't like people seeing that stuff, and it seemed to be a similar situation with Elise. Every person had their own little stash of secrets, good and bad. Elise apparently had enough human in her to do the same.

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