Chapter 27

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Hey guys!

I meant for this chapter to be a little longer, but I decided I just wanted this chapter to focus on Small One. Not sure if a warning is needed, but I suppose you can be warned to brace for the plucking of heart strings, but in a good way!

Please enjoy, and I thank each and every single one of you for your reviews and criticism!


"A Second Chance for Small One."

Elise crooned happily at the small, wooden box with Small One inside. Elise didn't feel like hunting the goat with Rexy this time, but maybe after her next show. Dr. Grant had left with Tim to see Rexy, but they promised to come back; Dr. Grant wanted to look at Elise's teeth again when Judge Marie came back.

The large talons pushed the squeaky bone a little closer to the box, and Elise began to talk about Dr. Grant. Small One thought it was funny how he smelled like dirt, but she liked him as well. She liked the squeaky bone, and she was happy Owen could make sounds like the raptors.

Elise had decided to create a new shelter for Small One under the false log. Small One liked to hear all the people, and she liked the children too. She was happy Elise had made new friends.

They were both happy their new home wasn't silent like the old one.

Small One had even grown brave enough to sleep here without Elise because she liked hearing the nesting birds in the nearby trees, and the chirping crickets singing under the starry night. She wasn't alone in a tiny paddock; she felt better here.

She didn't even mind sleeping in a box, but Elise had learned how to take the lid off on nice days like today.

Elise turned her gaze away from Small One to glance at the sleeping raptors in the lush ferns. They were content to nap the day away after all the excitement, and Elise was happy they were here; she didn't want them to leave. She liked talking with Blue, and Delta was very friendly; Echo was more serious and quiet.

Elise could hear Owen cleaning the room with what he called a broom. It was a useful tool, and Elise wondered when humans had begun to hate dirt. She had no problem with it, and she didn't understand why it was no longer welcome in the human buildings.

She turned her gaze back to the wooden box, and began to talk about Rexy. Small One was happy she was a good mother, and Elise was learning many things from the elder dinosaur. Her roar was growing more fearsome, and Elise had been mimicking the fiery gaze when no one else was around.

Elise wanted to be like Rexy.

But a part of her was happy to be in a pack. Rexy was a terrifying dinosaur, but she didn't do a lot of talking. Elise wasn't sure if it was because of her personality or age, but Elise was happy to talk to others.

It felt more natural when she talked with the Velociraptors.

The white Indominus gave a quiet sigh; so much had happened in so little time. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed for the better; she truly thought she would die next to her sister's mossy cave one day.

She was sure no one would ever find her massive bones; they would be too afraid to come inside. Elise thought the weeds and grass would eat her away until she became stuck to the earth like Small One.

It had made her very mad because she thought the humans had left her to die alone.

She was ashamed to admit she had reacted out of anger. Owen made her realize she had been wrong. She didn't regret killing any of the humans, but she did regret all the pain she had caused other dinosaurs.

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