Chapter 41

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Hey guys! Thanks for the understanding, electrolytes are miracle workers, and my boy is doing much better!

Thank you for your reviews, I really appreciate them! Please enjoy!


"And Those Who Seek War..."

A vivid, scarlet gaze focused intently on the oblivious target stretched out in the luscious ferns. It was the middle of the day; the prey was full after a good meal, and now she was a sitting target for the merciless predator.

A perfect killing machine.

The slit pupils contracted with a blink before flecks of bold gold were revealed in the small ray of sun peeking through the thick brush. There was no wind to taste the air, but that meant the target wouldn't be able to catch a whiff of her either.

A clawed, thumbed hand carefully stepped over dried leaves as the hunter moved closer to the prey. No sound was made; not even the talking of other creatures could be heard. This was her domain, she was at the top of the food chain here.

She would instill fear with but a single roar; sending lesser prey fleeing for their lives.

Muscles coiled in preparation for the killing blow; the merciless pounce that would be followed by a swift bite to the neck. The prey would be dead before she knew it, and the hunter suddenly leapt from her hiding spot as she let loose her shrill cry for death.

She landed right over the prey, and before the target could do anything, she sank her deadly fangs into the exposed neck as all the bodyweight was used to pin her prey. Clawed hands dug into the scales below her as she made guttural growls; warning others to stay away.

This hunter had made a kill.

Mellow, crimson eyes slid open at the light weight on her as the teeth nipped at her neck, and fragile claws clung to her. She glanced at her small sister attempting to 'bring her down', but the big sister merely huffed; disturbed from her nap. Her sister was so loud that it was almost sad, and her roar was but a mere squeak. But she would let the greyed hatchling have her fun today.

It wasn't often that Small One was feeling vigorous enough to actually play. The grey hatchling gave an indignant squeal when her 'prey' had the audacity to sit up, and the snow scaled Indominus hatchling merely batted a gentle hand over her little sister as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. She filled with amusement when her sister suddenly crouched in front of her, head low and wiggling rump in the air as a playful mischief filled the gold-flecked, scarlet eyes.

The pure innocence made the white hatchling grow soft as she humored her sister. Small One gave a delighted chirp as she immediately tackled her big sister. The two sister rolled over one another as growls with no ill feelings were made, and all bites were soft nips. Small One broke from the playful fight suddenly before bolting into the bushes with her sister hot on her heels.

Ferns shook as the sisters darted by, and the tall trees stood imposingly tall over them. Small One was determined to pin her sister today; she would pin White One. She was feeling strong today, the aches in her bones were almost nothing, and she felt like she was getting better.

White One was always there to take care of her.

The grey hatchling suddenly darted to the side as she expertly dove into a bush before immediately stilling. She quieted her breath as best she could when her big sister slid to a stop. Small One pressed herself low to the ground as she watched those crimson eyes glance around, and the attentive nose sniff the air expertly.

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