Chapter 40

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"Those Who Seek Peace, Find Life."

Echo stretched out in the ferns as she gave a pitiful moan, and Owen quietly comforted, "Shh, Sweetheart, I know it sucks."

Elise had somehow managed to get her nap in before their first show, which was in about twenty minutes, but Owen was ready to doze off as well. It felt so good just to sit under the shady tree with Blue pressed up against him. He was leaning against the massive, white ribcage, and the steady heartbeat only relaxed him.

Delta was curled to the side of her bronze sister, and things were comfortingly quiet. Owen had ditched his shoes elsewhere, and caved into asking Barry to bring another pair. The man had only laughed heartily, but Owen wasn't in a position to snap a response. His stomach was empty, and his mouth had a bad taste to it.

But Elise was a good co-Alpha. Owen hadn't realized she had moved up that high until after she gave orders to the girls, and Blue reinforced it. Owen knew there was supposed to be pairs, and he was glad Elise felt up to the task. She had carried Echo while Owen rode on her back before they made it over to the false log. Lowery was on top of his game, eager to really prove himself to Claire for her second chance, and sent a new radio to him. Jackie sent a large bucket of electrolytes for Echo, and the bronze raptor was making a dent in the pinkish orange water.

Owen had scooped a cup out for himself, and he cringed at the watery, salty taste, but it made him feel better. It was weird, the electrolytes smelled sweet, but it didn't taste it; Owen didn't care. All that mattered was he felt better after heaving his guts out. His girls were calm, sleeping, and the day looked a little better. Echo was going to be fine after her obvious headache went away, and hopefully the kids wouldn't be too loud.

Owen cracked an eye open when Elise gave a deep sigh in her sleep, and he glanced over to her injured foot. It looked like it hurt, and he wondered if she had cut herself on the damaged fence around Lilly's lagoon; Lowery had mentioned the Repair Team seeing some blood there. He promised Elise they would go get her a bath the first chance they got, and Elise relaxed after that. She was content to sleep because Owen could take over now.

But Owen wanted a nap as well. He glanced at his watch before leaning back into the warm scales. Blue stretched onto her side as she pressed her back along Owen's leg; he was glad for that. He had some scars on his ribs from when Blue had slept with her belly facing him. She liked to kick in her sleep. Owen wasn't sure if she had broken that habit, but he didn't want to find out when she was facing him. She let out a sigh when Owen softly placed a warm hand on her side, mindful of that ticklish spot between the fifth and sixth rib, as he glanced around.

It was important to sleep together in a pack; it assured, and strengthened the bond. Even if Echo and Delta were tucked further into the ferns, they were still close by. Owen yawned as he savored the peace; Rick had been right, they did need some peace. Even his girls were in need of it. Their routine had been disrupted by the run, losing Charlie, moving from the paddock, adding Elise, and for whatever reason, adding Rexy.

Owen was just glad Rexy seemed to prefer her territory over Elise's because Owen wouldn't even think of setting foot in here if the old lady was nearby. She scared the life out of him, and he wondered if she had seen him in the false log; he didn't think she did. He would have felt that burning gaze stabbing into his soul.

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