Chapter 44

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"Alright, Baby, I think we've done all the learning we can today, right?"


Owen chuckled as he glanced around the clearing. He was sure Elise's fingers were aching from all the new words, and the ground looked like the ramblings of a crazy man. Random words and letters were scratched into the dirt. It was simple words though, Owen didn't feel like overwhelming Elise with learning. He needed to pace himself better, and he decided he would spend an hour a day just to simply learn with her. It astounded him how quickly she picked up things, but Owen certainly wouldn't complain.

He had started to show her basic commands she would probably see in her training. He actually wasn't sure how complicated things would get with her. He could see her being trained to track things down, maybe even look for drugs; Owen could see her doing that when things got particularly full at Jurassic World. He was sure she had an amazing sense of smell.

He wanted to test it out for himself, and he intended to ask Claire if he could help train her. He wasn't sure of the final details of this research was.

"How are we feeling, Sunshine? Better?"

Elise nodded as she shifted in the clearing before giving a wide yawn. Owen chuckled at the truth of it as he said, "It's been a busy day. Are you going to head back to Rexy pretty soon? I don't think you've seen her all day."

Elise gave another nod as she glanced at the raptors sprawled in the ferns. Blue was content to hide in the thickest brush, and Echo finally felt well enough to pace around a few times to stretch her legs out. Owen felt better at seeing his girl back to her normal self; he still wasn't sure how the bronze raptor had gotten ahold of coffee, but he was sure Jackie wouldn't make that mistake again.

They had already finished their last show for the day, and Owen was ready to go back to bed. Elise looked ready for sleep as well; it had been a busy day. Owen was still unsettled by Bridges' behavior, but he didn't want to talk about the guy with Elise. It just seemed to irritate her, and yet she knew how to neutralize him. He would have never guess that ignoring the man would fluster him.

Elise was a smart girl, and Owen was glad for that.

He gave a gentle pat on the scaled nose before smiling at the soft puff of air; it was odd. He almost didn't smell the meat on her breath anymore. Owen wondered if it was because he had grown used to it, but it didn't bother him any. He knew his senses weren't dulling because he could smell Blue's breath easily.

"Mind giving me a lift up?"

Elise garbled at him before tenderly scooping him into a warm palm. He adjusted the bandage on her injured palm, and smiled when she gave him a grateful look. They both glanced at Owen's hip when it crackled, and Elise actually ducked under the window to avoid any possible bad news or jobs. Owen snorted at her, but he raised an eyebrow when Claire said, "Owen, you really need a cellphone."

Owen rolled his eyes as he pulled the radio off his hip, and said, "I'm not exactly in the mood to pay that kind of a bill. Hey, why couldn't Verizon sponsor some better coverage out here instead of a dinosaur?"

Claire paused, and Owen knew she was trying to hide that half smile, before she answered, "I think you're just being cheap."

"I know you didn't radio me just to call me cheap, Miss Dearing."

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