Chapter 61

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Hey guys! I'm sorry you didn't get a chapter yesterday; I had no idea the site would be down all day.

Kim K's Butt, I'm glad you love Sobek; I think he's hilarious, and I'll look up the Leaellynasaura if I get the chance.

ReginaDC21, I'm glad to hear you finally got some AC!

RainbowKittyRune, you'd probably freak Blue out.

Nightmare Moon, I could see Blue getting Rexy to go steal the vending machine for her.

Unknown, it's good to see you again; I'm glad you didn't get eaten by the bear.

Amanthya, I intend to finish this story so no worries, but I don't think you missed much on the third movie.

Schaduw, I'm sorry, but I love cliffhangers! Forgive me!

Guest, you OC sounds like he'd get eaten pretty quick, and Jackie and Dr. Gerry are not who I am. I have no idea where I got the inspiration for Jackie, and Dr. Gerry is heavily based on my own vet. He's passed away, and I wanted to preserve his memory in a way.

Most importantly you guys, thank you for your reviews and comments. I love them and I love you guys. I hope school is going great for you, I know it's stressful for me. For those of you not in school, well, I hope you have a wonderful day. All of you!



Owen didn't exactly process the shrill shriek, but he yelped loudly as he snatched his hand away from the wrapper like it was the one screaming at him. Blue leapt out of her skin before landing on Elise's snout as she looked around quickly. She was in react mode, and all she needed to see was Stupid Alpha startling away from the shiny thing fluttering to the ground.

Owen nearly fell over when the flash of blue scales suddenly attacked the intruder, and Blue made a furious cry for death as the leaves around her scattered into the air. She was thrashing her head back and forth to snap the nonexistent neck, and Owen stumbled back. Elise snapped her head up with a startled clap of her teeth while Echo and Delta shot up at Blue's shriek. The two raptors were ready to maul the stupid trespasser, and Owen flinched back when Elise rose with a dangerous growl bubbling from her throat.


Owen jumped at having his name yelled again, and he paled at his girls mauling whatever it was they had caught in the bush.

Whoever they had caught.

That was enough to force Owen to give a sharp, shrill whistle for their attention. Echo and Delta snapped their heads up at his order, but Blue continued to shake her head before she made a startled chirp. Owen raised an eyebrow as she slowly lifted her head before allowing the silver shreds of the wrapper to fall from her mouth.

Her look said it all.

Stupid Alpha had been startled by plastic, and Elise gave Owen a hard look for causing such chaos. Owen stared back at Elise; he had no idea what to say to her, but the Indominus flinched back at another delighted shriek.

"Uncle Owen!"

Blue did not care if she wasn't supposed to hunt the humans; this human had scared the life out of her, and she curled her lip at the hatchling bouncing around delightedly. Elise stared at the bouncy curls as the child focused only on Owen. Elise had never had a child ignore her in favor of Owen before, and she tilted her head.

This hatchling was far too excited, but Elise snapped her gaze down when Owen yelled, "Rosie!"

The man dove onto Elise's hand, and she paused for a second before assuming Owen wanted up. She didn't even get the chance to put her hand very close to the rails before Owen simply made the jump over. Elise gave a reprimanding garble at the man for being unsafe, but she blinked when Owen scooped the child up into a tight hug. Owen made a small circle as he smooshed the girl close to his chest, and Elise blinked when she heard quiet sniffles from Rosie.

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