Bad Ideas 101 [Zekrom, Latias, & Lugia TF]

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Ben and Mary were two scientists in a lab, studying on how to combine Pokémon DNA with human DNA. "No, you do it like...yeah." Mary said. "Ugh...this one only requires someone to be angry." Ben sighed. "Well, let's find someone!" Mary ran off immediately. "Um...alright." Ben followed too.

"Water? Really?" Mary asked after they had reached the target. "What? It can work." Ben said. Mary shrugged. Ben threw the cup of water on the target, a man named Ryan, and he yelled in anger. He dropped his now wet and broken phone. "Who did that? I'm going to kill them!" Ryan yelled. Ben threw the liquid at Ryan, and he grumbled. "SERIOUSLY! GET OUT HERE--" Ryan groaned as his changes began.

Ryan's feet burst out of his shoes as his toes merged into 3 and grew much bigger. Ryan screamed as he noticed his feet, which had turned black. His legs became shorter but fatter as two small black spikes grew from each heel. The bottom of his body became fatter while the chest area became slimmer. A large drill-like tail burst from Ryan's back, which several spikes on it. Ryan's arms did not change too much, besides the texture and color changing, but his hands became slightly larger, and his fingers became claws as a formation like a baseball-mitt with a webbed-shape grew from his hands.

Two large wings with spikes at an edge grew from Ryan's back, also with a webbed-shape. Pads grew on his shoulders, and his neck stretched out slightly. His jaw became bigger and stronger as a few pairs of teeth grew in his mouth, all of them becoming pointed. A horn-like shape grew on the top of his nose, which quickly changed into a snout. His irises became white as his scleras turned red, and a crest like a thundercloud grew from the back of his head, with a blue tip. Finally, Ryan became 9 and a half feet tall and 760 pounds, completing his transformation into a Zekrom.

"Zekrooooom!" Ryan yelled. "This wasn't such a good idea after all." Ben muttered. "BEN!" Mary yelled, pulling him out of the way. Ryan threw his hand onto the ground where Ben was. "Drink this!" She quickly said. Ben grabbed a vial Mary was holding. Mary quickly drank the vial she was holding. "BEN!" She yelled. He dropped the vial as the angered Zekrom grabbed him. Immediately after, Mary's changes began.

Her legs became red and fin-like as her skin became much smoother. The red continued up her body until stopping in 2 red triangles on her back and an inverse triangle in the middle. Her arms separate into two parts: 1 part closer to her body, which was white, and another part with her fingers, which was red. Mary's fingers merged into 3 and became white claws. Her neck stretched farther outwards, her skin changing to a white, smooth texture. A blue triangle formed on her chest. Her eyes became much bigger, and her eye color went from green to orange, as her ears moved farther up her head and pointed outwards. The last bit of red covered her forehead, except for a white pentagon shape in the middle. Mary had become a Latias.

"Mary!" Ben yelled. "Zekrommm..." Ryan said. "Oh. I'm still here." Ben muttered. "Latias!" Mary said to Ben. She was holding another vial. Ben quickly grabbed and drank it. "ROOOOOMMM!" Ryan yelled. Ben's changes began.

Ben's toes merged into 3 on each foot and grew much bigger, being covered in white feathers. His legs became shorter as his thighs became fatter as light blue feathers covered his stomach to his chest. At his arms, all of his fingers became large and rectangular, and the bone structure reshaped, making Ben's hands into wings. Ben's neck became much longer, covered in white feathers, as dark blue plates grew on his back in 2 columns with 5 in a column.

Blue spikes grew on Ben's eyes as his head pushed backwards into a point. Ben's mouth became much larger, and his teeth had shifted around, some of them disappearing. A long, white-feathered tail grew from his back, two dark blue spikes at the end pointing away from each other. Finally, Ben grew to 17 feet tall and 476 pounds, making him a complete Lugia.

"You seriously don't have to do this, Ryan." Mary said. "I don't have to? SERIOUSLY? I was just turned into a Pokémon!" Ryan yelled. "Yes, a LEGENDARY Pokémon." Mary replied. Ryan calmed down slightly. "And that hated it." Ben said. Ryan calmed down even more. "Ugh...fine. I guess I have to live in the mountains now." Ryan muttered running off. "What do we do now?" Mary asked. "First, get away from here. Next, I don't know." Ben said. Mary nodded, and they left the city.

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