Legendary Issues [Lugia, Latias, Latios, & Dialga TF]

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"Amy, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Kyle yelled. Ryan, Stephen, Amy, and Kyle were friends (though Amy and Kyle were an item) who loved exploring (except for Kyle, who only goes along because Amy is an adventurer). "I'm almost ready!" Amy yelled down. Kyle sighed and closed the front door. "So, is Amy done yet?" Stephen asked with a smug grin on his face. "Wipe that smirk off of your face, and yes, she's almost ready." Kyle replied. "Buzzkill over here!" Ryan cried out happily. Stephen and Ryan hi-fived each other. "I'm only going because--" Kyle started to mutter, before Ryan interrupted him. "Because you love Amy. We all know, Kyle. Stop being the party buzzkill and let's get this show on the road! Literally!" Amy wobbled out of the front door. "Let's get this over with." Kyle mumbled.

As Stephen drove through the small forest to get to the campsite, he noticed something. "Woah..." Stephen mumbled, losing attention of the road. "STEPHEN!" Ryan screamed. Stephen swerved off the road, barely missing a car, and crashed into a ditch. "E-everyone alright?" Stephen asked. Everyone nodded or said "yeah", and Stephen carefully got out of the car. "AHH..agh...my leg..." He groaned in pain. "We have to get you to a hospital." Kyle said. "No service." Amy cried out. "This is bad! We're stuck with a crashed car, an injured person, and no cell service to call for help!" Ryan shouted.

"We can get out of here. We just need to--aaaaaand Stephen's gone." Kyle said, interrupting himself as he noticed Stephen's...absence. Ryan looked around for a moment. "Stephen!" He yelled, running into the forest. Kyle and Amy followed behind Ryan.

"Stephen, where the heck are you?!" Ryan cried out. "Don't hide from us!" Ryan screamed as he saw a stone fly at him, hitting him in the face and knocking him to the floor. Amy gasped and ran to help Ryan. "Are you alright?!" She asked. "Yeah, just this dumb rock..." Ryan groaned, looking at the rock that had hit him in the face. Ryan threw it and got up. "Woah, my vision...ugh..." Ryan muttered, before falling back onto the ground. "What's happening?" He asked himself.

"The rock was a piece of garbage." Stephen sighed. "I should probably get back to the...AGHH!" He screamed. Stephen held onto a tree and vomited. "Oh...god..." He said, before falling into the leaves behind him and laying there. "Everything hurts..." He moaned.

Ryan vomited on a tree. "Jeez, are you alright?!" Kyle yelled. "Yeah, I'm...good..." Ryan said, before falling onto the ground and hitting his head. "We have to find a hospital. NOW." Amy said, picking Ryan up. Kyle nodded.

Stephen felt himself grow to about 17 feet. "What's...what's happening?!" He screamed. His arms disappeared and replaced with wings that looked like hands. His legs became 3-toed paws, and dark blue plates grew from Stephen's back. "Help..." He cried out. His legs became slightly larger, and blue spikes grew on his head, along with the back of his head becoming pointed. Most of his teeth fell out, and the ones that stayed became sharper. His neck stretched outwards, and his belly became light blue. He gained weight quickly, stopping at 476 pounds. Everything uncovered become white, and a tail grew from his back, also white, with 2 dark blue spikes at the end. Stephen had become a Lugia.

"Are you alright, Ryan? We still need to find Stephen..." Kyle said. "I'm...ughh..." Ryan groaned. Amy put Ryan down and sighed. "I need to take a rest for a bit." She said. Amy sat down on a nearby log. Kyle sat by her. "Do you think Stephen's alright?" Kyle asked. "Hopefully." Amy replied.

Kyle and Amy's small talk was interrupted by Ryan screaming in pain. "Oh god, what's happening?!" Kyle asked Amy. "I don't know!" Amy yelled, running to Ryan lying on the ground. "AMY!" Kyle shouted. Amy looked up, and saw a Lugia. "Holy crap, run!" She screamed. "SORRY, RYAN!" Amy yelled as they ran away.

The change started happening to Ryan while Amy and Kyle ran off. The back of his head grew longer, ending in a point. Metal horns grew on his head, and his eyes became red and black. Fin-like metallic plates grew on his back, and a chestplate grew on his chest, with a diamond in its center. Another metallic piece resembling wings grew lower down on his back, and his hands and feet became 3-toed paws, with the middle toe smaller than the other two, but all of them being metal. Light blue stripes covered his body, and the rest was covered with darker blue. Ryan grew a little bigger than Stephen, close to 18 feet. For the final change, a tail grew from his back, with a light blue stripe going through the middle to the end of the tail. Ryan had become a Dialga.

"RUN!" Kyle screamed, jumping over the ditch, but getting his foot caught between the ditch "wall" and the crashed car. "I'll get you, Kyle!" Amy yelled. Amy looked up and screamed as she saw the Lugia and a Dialga. "SAVE YOURSELF!" She shouted, running away. Then, their changes began.

Amy fell onto the ground and screamed, along with Kyle. Kyle pulled his foot out of the car and started crawling towards Amy. Both of their feet became like fins, though Amy's became red and Kyle's became blue. A triangular symbol grew on both of their bodies, though Kyle's was red and Amy's was blue. The lower part of Kyle's body became blue, stopping with 2 triangles on his back and an inverse triangle in the middle of the two other triangles. On his stomach, the blue covered to slightly above the triangle symbol. The same happened to Amy, except the color was red. Above Kyle's head, more of his skin became blue, with a white oval-like shape in the middle, same with Amy's, but, of course, red. Their arms became oval-like and separated slightly with a thin cylinder connecting both parts of the separated arm "parts". The fingers turned into 3 claws on each hand, and the part of the arm with what used to be the fingers turned into blue and red for Kyle and Amy, respectively.Wings grew from their backs, Amy's being longer and thinner, and Kyle's being shorter and wider. For both of their final changes were the ears and eyes. Amy's eyes grew slightly bigger and the color changed to orange, while her ears moved up her head and became bigger and pointed. Kyle's eyes became a bit smaller but became longer, and the color turned to a bright red. His ears moved slightly lower down his head and grew slightly longer than Amy's. Amy had become a Latias, and Kyle had become a Latios.

The group eventually figured out who everyone was, and Kyle and Amy flew off towards the mountains to live a life together, away from everyone else. Stephen and Ryan decided to have fun messing with time and other crazy stuff that had to do with their new abilities.

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