Terror Manor Pt. 1 [Litwick, Haunter, & Rotom TF]

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A few years ago...

Mikey had traveled away from his brother and was now lost. He opened a rusty metal gate and carefully walked in. Mikey screamed as he fell down a steep hill. He hit his head on a rock sticking out of the hillside and went unconscious.  When he woke up, he had several moments of vision before he died. His spirit went into a tree stump, and he became one of the many Phantumps wandering around the manor.


"Xavier, let's go! We're going to be late for the road trip with Harold, Jerry, and Juan!" Tina said. Xavier sighed. "Do we really have to go?" He asked. Tina nodded happily. "Fine." Xavier said, getting up.

They got to the manor about an hour later. The gravel road was bumpy and hard, as kind of expected. "Well, that was a...bumpy ride." Juan said. Harold chuckled a bit. "Let's go inside." Xavier said. "And get this over with."

Immediately after entering, Xavier went to the basement where the breakers were, Harold and Tina went upstairs together, and Juan stayed on the first floor to search for any light. Juan found a candle on a table, but it burnt him when he tried picking it up. "OW!" He yelled, dropping the candle. It hit the floor, but nothing set on fire.

He started screaming as his legs melted into the floor, making him shrink. He also shrunk to 1 foot, and now he was in a "frozen" puddle of his legs, which had become white. His arms shrunk so much that he could barely touch his body, and his fingers completely disappeared to where his hands were now stubs. His hair grew slightly longer and it stopped to the point where it was longer on the right side than left, and covered his right eye. His nose disappeared completely, and his eyes lengthened and become completely yellow. His skin turned into white wax. For the final change, a purple flame appeared on top of his head. Juan had become a Litwick. Juan hopped up onto the table and sat there sadly, waiting for his friends to return.

"I just heard Juan scream. Should we go downstairs?" Harold asked. "You do that. I'm going to stay here, because I think I found something." Tina replied. Harold ran downstairs. Tina brushed away some dust, and found an old book. "Huh. This is...strange." She said. The book stabbed her in the chest. "AUGH!!" She screamed, dropping the book. She toppled onto the floor, and held onto the bed. "H-help..." She weakly said.

Her legs disappeared completely. She screamed as she noticed this. Her arms also disappeared, but she could still control her hands, which became purple and the fingers became sharper. Two fingers disappeared, the pinkie and thumb, leaving her with 3 fingers on each hand. Her ears became pointier, and moved farther up her head. She turned completely purple, same color as her disembodied hands. Her teeth even became purple, and spikes grew on her back. Her tongue became longer, and her teeth turned purple and sharpened. Some of her teeth disappeared. Her eyes became triangular, and her pupils shrunk. She shrunk about 1 foot. For the final change, a small tail grew on her back. Tina had become a Haunter.

"Juan?!" Harold yelled, looking around the first floor of the manor. "I should go check on Tina." Harold said, returning upstairs. He opened the door to the room Tina and him were just in, and he saw a Haunter. "CRAP!" He yelled. Harold fumbled for a Pokeball, and one rolled away. "HEY!" He yelled. The Haunter ran, or flew, out of the room and somewhere else in the house. "Ugh, not again." Harold sighed. "Tina? You...in here? Tina???"

Xavier finally found the breaker box, and immediately got electrocuted by it. "AGHHH!" He screamed, falling onto the floor. He rubbed his head and got up. "That went GREAT..." He muttered to himself.

His arms turned into lightning bolt-shaped electricity. "Wha...WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" He shouted. "HELP!" He shrunk to 1 foot, and he started floating in the air. His legs disappeared completely, and his body shrunk to a tiny little circular torso. His hair also disappeared, and his head shaped into a circular shape too. An isosceles triangle shape of electricity formed below his torso, and lowered a bit as Xavier grew an electricity "outline" around his body. A large triangle, similar to the isosceles one below his now much smaller torso, grew on top of his head, but was bigger. The outline reshaped to fit the change. The final change were his eyes and skin. With his eyes, they grew a bit bigger and his pupils became blue, along with a cut in the middle of both eyes that went through the middle from left to right, but didn't cut through the stretched pupils. His skin turned orange and changed into a different material. Xavier had become a Rotom.

"Screw my friends, I'm out of here!" Harold yelled, running out the door. A Phantump walked past him and he screamed. He tripped and fell backwards down a steep hill, hitting his head on a spiky rock sticking out of the hillside, which cut him badly. He hit the ground, and died there.

A couple years later, a group of friends arrived at Terror Manor. "Ready to do this, guys?" One of the friends asked. The others agreed, and they walked inside. One of them stopped before entering. "Weird, there's another car here. Guys, is there somebody who lives here or something?" He asked. They didn't hear him. "Ah, nevermind." He said, as he walked inside to find his friends.

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