Pokémon Camp Pt. 1 [Pikachu TF]

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I groaned as I got up from the muddy ground. It was raining, and I had just lost a Pokémon battle, and just gotten lost, in the forest. The final blow from that idiot's "Explosion" move with his Golem. Ever since Johnny's Geodude evolved, he's been strangely tougher. And I don't mean normal tougher. I mean that one day, he was weaker than I was, then the next, it was like the steroids he fed his Graveler, Rocky, (dumb name, by the way) steroids on steroids. He got so tough, it took out my Floatzel, Carol, in only 3 attacks. Rocky wasn't even at half health by then, and Carol only had water type moves ENTIRELY. I sighed and looked around for Carol, eventually finding her sitting at a tree, dazed. She was obviously wiped out from the explosion. "C'mon, Carol, I'll get you to a Pokémon Center." I said, grabbing Carol's Pokéball and putting her inside. "I really need to stop fighting Johnny." I muttered to myself.

I was walking through the forest while it was raining with worn sneakers. Also, my jacket had no hood. So, I was soaked, and all of my Pokémon were exhausted, as was I. For about 5 minutes, I walked down an empty, lifeless road, but eventually encountered a lake. "Good, something I can relax in." I said without thinking, aborting my original plan and walking towards the path to the lake.

The rain stopped by the time I reached the lake, which wasn't far. I was happy, but still soaked, of course. I let my 5 Pokémon out of their Pokéballs: Carol, Jamie the Poliwhirl, Duke the Arcanine, Griffin the Ditto, and Pearl the Pidgeot. I sighed and sat down on a bench as Carol, Jamie, and Griffin immediately ran to the lake, and Duke sat down next to me on the grass. Pearl was currently exploring, which she liked to do. She was searching the abandoned tents along the sides of the lake.

I didn't realize it, but I fell asleep quickly. When I opened my eyes, Griffin and Jamie were gone, Duke was behind the bench now, Carol was sitting where Duke was, and Pearl was sleeping on the bench next to me. Duke was also asleep, and Carol was the only one awake. "Wh...where are Griffin and Jamie?" I asked. I got up from the bench, startling Pearl. "Sorry, Pearl." I muttered sleepily. I slowly walked over to the lake and looked down, seeing nothing. I sighed. "It's about time we go to the Pokémon Center." I said to my Pokémon. Carol smiled. I put them in their Pokéballs and looked around for Griffin and Jamie. "Griffin? Jamie?" I called out. "Whirl!" I heard Jamie yell. I immediately ran towards the source, but was blown back by a stream of water. "OOMPH!" I grunted, as I skid across the ground. My Pokéballs flew loose and let my Pokémon out.

I held out my arm to get up, though it was cut in several places from when I was thrown. Carol and Duke yelled as Jamie was behind me. I turned around, and was thrown into the lake. Bad news: I can't swim. But even the water was pulling me down, because I couldn't move at all. I grunted as it pulled me to the ground, and then what seemed like lightning hit the water. I screamed in pain as I was electrocuted, but I still couldn't move. I felt weird as I noticed my ears began moving, and they moved to the top of my head. They grew larger, and they turned yellow, except for a part at the top where they turned black. I felt my face shift as the yellow moved downwards, my nostrils becoming the only remaining part of my nose as it receded into my face. Electricity sparked on my cheeks, and I realized what it was: electric sacs. I knew what I was turning into by now. When the yellow reached my arms, they became shorter, and my fingers became sharper at the ends and shortened too. The yellow continued down my body, two brown stripes growing across my back. I lost weight to the point where I would be dead as a normal human, stopping at about 15 pounds. I also shrunk to about 1 foot tall. A lightning bolt shaped tail grew from my back, brown turning into yellow at the start of it. My legs disappeared into my body as my toes merged into 3 on each foot, and became slightly longer. The yellow fur had covered all of me, and now I knew the changes had finished. I had been turned into a Pikachu by this lake.

Carol dove into the lake, swimming to get me. I could hear her realize that the Pikachu struggling at the bottom of the lake was, in fact, me, and she quickly grabbed me, bringing me to the surface. I gasped for air when reaching the surface, looking around at everything. "We have to get out of here." Carol said to the other Pokémon that hadn't betrayed me: Duke and Pearl. They nodded, and Carol held on to me as they ran away from Jamie and Griffin back at Pokémon Camp.

I told what happened to Duke and Pearl (because Carol somehow already knew), and they sighed. "You were a good trainer." Duke said. Pearl stared the the floor below her. "I hope we never see Jamie or Griffin ever again." I said, and Carol, Duke, and Pearl all agreed. They betrayed us, especially me.

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