Transformation Day [Multiple TFs]

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It was common knowledge in the Transformation Universe that there was a day where certain people would become Pokémon all at once.

"John, I'm home!" Kenny yelled. "John, I have the costumes!" He headed upstairs with two costumes: Latias and Latios. Kenny snickered silently. John came out of his room and sighed. "We do this every year. Let me guess, I'm Latias again?" He asked. "Yep." Kenny answered cheerfully. "You be the girl this time." John replied, pushing Kenny away as he walked away.

"You know what tomorrow is, right?" Larry asked his co-worker, Jim. "Of course I do. We all want this to happen to us. It never does." Jim replied. "I wish I could just be free of this job." Larry sighed. "Hopefully tomorrow goes well."

"Hey, wouldn't it be funny if you became Xerneas tomorrow?" Yvonne asked. "You ask this every year. That won't happen." Xavier replied. "This may be the one." Yvonne said. "It may be."

Carol ran through her house, paperwork falling from her arms. Her hair was a mess, as it always was. "You need a break." Darren said. "No time got to work!" Carol said frantically, almost slamming the door shut. Darren sighed. "I hope tomorrow makes this better for her. Makes LIFE better for her." He looked at the Pokémon playing happily in the pond. "Please." He said, sighing and then walking away.

Michael sat on the grass with Jake next to him. Jake had blond hair, and Michael had brown hair. "Tomorrow's, y'know..." Jake began to say. 'Yeah." Michael replied. "I know. Let's just hope it doesn't happen to us." Jake sighed. "Let's stay out here tonight." He said. "Want to do a Berry Run?" Michael asked. "Me first!" Jake yelled, getting up and running for the nearest berries. "Hey, wait for me!" Michael cried out, running after him.

It suddenly began to rain. "What the..." Jim muttered. "Oh my god." Sally said. Dark clouds covered the sky, the rain only becoming rougher and faster. "Hail?" Jim wondered. "That can't be hail." Sally replied, looking out the window. "Look!" Larry cried out, pointing outside. "It''s a tornado!" Sally said. "Everybody stay calm and get into your cubicles." Nicole, the CEO, said over the intercom. All the workers did as they were told and got into safe areas in their cubicles. "It's coming this way!" Sally yelled. The tornado ran through the office, picking up cubicles, office supplies, printers, people, and even parts of the building itself, tossing them everywhere. The tornado quickly passed.

" everyone okay?" Jim asked after the tornado had passed. "We're missing over 20 people now, but the remaining ones are fine, yeah..." Larry said. "Everyone go home. We will resolve this tomorrow as soon as we get to work." Nicole said over the intercom, dismissing the employees early.

"This will be the best party ever." Kenny said, hopping down the stairs. John sighed, following him slowly. "Let's wait." He said after a moment of silence. "What?" Kenny asked, stopping. "I said, let's stay behind. Let's wait until tonight." John said again. "You're want us to stay...until after--" "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying!" John yelled. "We go too early." Kenny sighed. "Fine, you'll make us lose the others, but whatever." He muttered.

Larry sighed as he got out of bed. "Still destroyed." He said to himself, chuckling. "Wonder if I can go to work today. Probably not." He stared at the floor. "Best to find something to do today." Larry walked to his kitchen to make coffee.

"RUN!" Yvonne screamed. "WAS THIS REALLY A GOOD IDEA?" Xavier asked. "I DON'T--AGGH!" Yvonne shouted. Yvonne tripped and fell down a hill. "YVONNE!" Xavier yelled, following her down the hill. Xavier quickly dragged her to a cave where they could hide.

Carol was exhausted. She had been working all night, and she was sleeping calmly on the floor next to her desk. "Come on, Carol, let's go to your bed." Darren said. " is...mmm..." Carol mumbled. "Come on, Carol." Darren repeated, grabbing Carol's arm, and bringing her to her bed.

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