Pokémon Camp Pt. 2 [Lapras, Arcanine, & Growlithe TF]

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"Come on, let's head home." Ryan said to his younger brother, Derek. Ryan's friend, Timothy, had come along, to make sure that Derek didn't do anything "stupid". "Oh cool, a lake!" Derek said, running off. "Derek, wai--oh no." Ryan said, before running after Derek. "Wha--GUYS, WAIT!" Timothy said, looking up from his phone and following them.

"Lake!" Derek yelled. "Derek, wai--" Ryan called after him. It was too late. His brother had already jumped in. "Oh no..." He muttered, jumping in after his younger brother. "Oh god...this is..." Timothy said, stopping at the lake. "Pokémon Camp." Timothy muttered. "GUYS! GET OUT OF THAT LAKE!" He screamed.

Ryan grabbed Derek, who had fallen to the bottom. He was immediately pulled down with Derek. He screamed for help, but water entered his mouth and no noise exited.

"Whiiiiiiirl?" A nearby Poliwhirl asked. "To. Ditto!" A Ditto sitting next to it responded. "H-hello?" Timothy asked, looking around. "Poli!" The Poliwhirl yelled, jumping out from its hiding place. The Ditto also left its hiding place, sitting beside the Poliwhirl. "I don't want any trouble..." Timothy muttered. The Poliwhirl jumped at him and pushed Timothy into the water. "NO--" Timothy screamed.

Ryan gasped as he saw a tuft of cream fur growing on the top of Derek's head. Derek's ears become bigger and rounder, moving slightly farther up his head. Orange fur covered them now. His ears became bigger and changed shape slightly, and his nose grew a bit bigger and also became a snout. His face pushed out into a muzzle as cream fur covered the bottom half, starting with the top of his snout and down, ending at the bottom of his torso. The fur was slightly spiked around the neck, and also grew partway outwards. Derek's arms became slightly shorter as two stripes with arrow-like designs grew, one on each arm. His fingers merged into 2 on each hand and shifted around, eventually forming two small white claws. His arms had become front legs of a quadruped, and his hands had become paws, with brown pads.

Ryan held Derek closer to him and slightly tighter as Derek's changes continued. Two black stripes grew on his back as orange fur surrounded both of them. Two more black stripes grew on each leg, in the middle, as they became shorter and shifted into hind legs of a quadruped. His toes merged into 3 on each foot, and were now paws. Both paws had brown pads. A short, cream colored tail grew from his back. Derek had also shrunk to a little under 2 and a half feet and only about 42 pounds. Derek had become a Growlithe.

Timothy swam over to Ryan, before the water pulled him to the floor, making him unable to move. Timothy watched helplessly as Ryan's changes began, with the recently-transformed Growlithe in his arms.

Beige fur covered most of Ryan's face, uncovered parts being his eyes and ears. His mouth became slightly bigger, and his nose became a slightly larger black snout as his face extended into a muzzle. His ears became much bigger and diamond-shaped as orange fur covered them. His eyes also became bigger, orange fur growing around them. The beige fur had grown down his back and also down his stomach. Lots of black stripes grew all over Ryan, some in the same spots as Derek's, but bigger. Ryan's arms became slightly thicker, though still shortened slightly, as tufts of beige fur grew from the back of his arms and his fingers merged into 3 on each hand, becoming paws with pink paw pads. His arms had shifted to the front legs of a quadruped.

3 black stripes had grown on the top of back of Ryan's legs, as the changes continued. By now, most of his body had changed and become covered in orange, beige, and black fur. Slightly larger tufts of beige fur, which pointed outwards, covered part of Ryan's legs, though not much. His toes merged into 3 on each foot, and had become paws with pink paw pads. A tail with a similar but much bigger shape as Derek's grew from Ryan's back, seeming to go upwards and towards him slightly at first, but then going downwards and moving away from him. He had also become 6 feet tall and 341 pounds. He was a complete Arcanine.

Timothy struggled to escape the water that was holding him down, as his changes began. His skin from the bottom of his mouth down become cream-colored and thicker, while the rest became blue, with several darker blue spots scattered on him. Timothy's neck became longer, stretching upwards, as his ears moved farther up his head and changed into big swirls. A small horn grew on his head as his face pushed far outwards, his nose becoming practically nonexistent in the process, leaving two nostrils. His arms became large blue flippers with cream bottoms, and his legs moved farther apart from each other, making way for a small tail, as his legs changed into smaller hind flippers. A large shell grew on his back with small knobs scattered around it. Finally, Timothy became 8 feet tall and 485 pounds, completing his transformation into a Lapras.

"I guess we can just stay here, since you can't really leave the water..." Ryan said after Timothy had helped them out of the water. Suddenly, they heard chatting through the path leading to the camp. "Hide!" Timothy said to Ryan and Derek. Both of them ran to a tent immediately, hiding from view.

"Huh, a lake. And there's even a Lapras." Sandra said, reaching the end of the path. "We should go home, Sandra. It's going to rain." Michael said behind her. "Oh, stop being a baby. We came here for fun, right? Well, that's exactly what we'll do!" Sandra set her stuff down on the ground. "Come on, Michael." Sandra said, looking behind her at Michael, who looked worried. "N-no..." He mumbled, running off. "Michael!" Sandra yelled, quickly grabbing her stuff, before being stopped by a Poliwhirl and Ditto. "What the..." She muttered.

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