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Kaden has been gone for 8 days and today is my birthday. I've never needed him more. 2 years ago today my parents were murdered in front of me and I'll never be able to get those images out of my head and I will never forgive myself.

I couldn't be bothered to get out of bed or answer Kaden's messages. Today was the day I was meant to find my mate and live happily ever after, but I can't today. Graham had brought me breakfast but I didn't touch it I couldn't push away the sick feeling in my stomach. Usually Graham would sit with me but I think he knew I wanted Kaden here.

I know Kaden would come home if I asked him to but I wasn't ready to find out if he was my mate. I wanted to be his so badly that if I wasn't it would only add to my pain.

I stood up deciding to walk around my room. I walked over to my shelf and picked up a picture of my parents and me. I was 8 and we were all so happy to be together on the only vacation we ever got to take. A sob escaped despite my efforts to stop it and I threw the picture to the other side of my room watching as the glass fly across the room.

I turned and threw my fist into the wall feeling my wolf wanting to take control. I looked at the fist-sized hole going through my wall and pushed her away. I couldn't lose control again so I curled back into bed allowing myself to hurt. My sobs turned into almost screams and I couldn't stop myself. After all, it was my fault. It was like the dam had broken and all the hurt I bottled up over the last two years was rushing out. My tears and the blood from my fist were staining my pillowcase but I couldn't move.

I felt a spark on my face and I looked up to see Kaden with a sad smile on his face. My wolf was happy for the first time in a while and I knew that meant that Kaden was mine. Even on this horrible day feeling this connection with him was like a dream come true. Kaden sat down next to me and put my head in his lap running his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner. It's all going to be okay baby, I'm here." I felt butterflies in my stomach when he called my baby and every time he touched my it left a trail of tingles. Crying left me exhausted and I felt my eyes get heavy.

"Go to sleep Sawyer." Hearing those words and feeling him next to me.

I woke up cold and alone making me think maybe it was all a dream until Kaden came in again and I felt my wolf perk up. He smiled and so did I, I couldn't help it.

"We're mates?" Kaden nodded and ran a finger down my arm and I watched as goosebumps quickly followed.

"Yes, and I know you feel it." I nodded and could feel my face heat up. "Sawyer, will you please tell me what has you so upset."

I knew I had to tell him eventually so I might as well tell him now.

"My parents died two years ago today. They were murdered in front of me." Kaden immediately pulled me into a hug. I ran my fingers through his hair knowing that because of the mate bond hearing that alone hurt him. He needed to know the truth if we're going to spend the rest of our lives together.

"I'll tell you everything but you have to promise you won't interrupt." he nodded "And I need you to understand that you won't see me the same way when this is over." he nodded again.

"I was walking to my house from the packhouse because at the time my parents and I lived separately from the packhouse. I saw smoke and I just knew my house was in flames so I ran as fast as I could. When I got to the clearing I saw an all too familiar wolf standing over my mother with her stomach ripped open. Her eyes were still open but you could tell she was gone." I took a deep breath because this is the first time I've said any of this out loud. I never thought I would have to explain this to anyone but not telling Kaden didn't seem like an option.

"I screamed so loud and I got the wolf's attention. He turned back into his human form and I could have sworn I heard my own heartbreak. His name was Hanson and at the time he was my boyfriend and he was almost 18. He was my first kiss and I loved him. I hate that I really loved him." I felt Kaden tense next to me but I continued he deserved the full truth.

"I remember what he said word for word because it repeats in my head over and over when I can't sleep. He told me 'I guess it's time to tell you that I don't love you. I just wanted to tear this family apart. You were just a pawn in my game to make things interesting. If I'm being honest you mean nothing and now you have no one." There were tears streaming down my face and I felt my voice break every now and then but I had to tell Kaden everything. He deserves it.

"Hearing him say that made me transition for the first time. I didn't know how and I didn't even know that's what was happening. Until I watched as my boyfriend fell to the ground with his throat ripped out and I was covered in his blood. I don't even remember killing him but I remember trying to help my dad with the last of the rouges but I lost him too. I killed Hanson that day and I lost both of my parents."

Kaden wiped the tears off of my face and tilted my head up so that I would look at him "You are the strongest woman I have ever met. There is no other girl I would ever want to be my mate. You did the right thing that day he killed your mother and was the reason your father was killed. Most people in that position would have done the same thing. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that but you aren't the one at fault. You're not a murderer either."

I nodded I knew he was right but no one had ever said it. I leaned into Kaden and allowed myself to think about the fact that we are mates. Kaden is my mate. Holy shit, does that mean I'm gonna be a Luna?


They're mates!!! SO Sawyer told Kaden the truth about her parents and now she will become Luna.

This chapter is dedicated to @EliahGreenwood who wrote The Bad Boy's Rules. I just finished reading it and it was so good. Besides the crazy shit that happens it shows how love grows over time and they don't like immediately fall for each other. Go check it out!

My reads have gone up by 27 in the last five days and my goal was 22 so I'm super happy about it you guys! I want to try to get 18 more in the next five days so fingers crossed. Don't forget to tell your friends, vote, and comment.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading XOXO

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