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In the last two weeks, Kaden and I have grown close. He was a friend that I didn't know I needed. I wouldn't say it out loud but I think he is becoming my best friend. Graham would always hold that title but he was so much like a brother to me. Kaden was a different type of best friend.

The thing that saddens me was that I knew he wouldn't be my friend for much longer. Tomorrow is Kaden's birthday meaning he would find his mate, his Luna. My mom used to tell me all the time that when you find your mate that you forget that there are other people you care about. She told me that when she found my dad she lost some of her friends because they were jealous or because she gave him more attention than them. He won't admit it out loud but Kaden is more than ready to meet his mate and fall in love.

I bought him a dark brown leather bracelet with Brooks wrote on it in his favorite shade of green. I decided on Brooks because since he showed up at my house i've called him that. I can see the way it gets under his skin.

We've told each other a lot of things. I learned that Kaden has a little sister named Kayla and she's sixteen and they're extremely close. I couldn't help but point out that she is the same age as Aiden and that led to us making sure they met. Of course, they both have a couple of years before they found their mates but still.

I've told Kaden a lot of things about me and a lot of memories I have with my parents. I made sure to stay away from the topic of my ex Hanson and how my parents died. I'm just not ready to trust anyone with that information.

I had woken up sick this morning and with it being a Monday and thought there was no harm in staying home. I sent Kaden a text telling him I was skipping so not to look for me. He replied shaming me for not telling him sooner so he could get out of class.

I slept in until about noon when I sent Jason over to Kaden's house to make a delivery for me. He gave Kaden's present to his mother so she could leave it for him to wake up to in the morning. I knew he wouldn't be at school tomorrow because his pack was throwing a huge 18th birthday party for him. It was formal like the ball from before so Sarah had already drug me out to find a dress the second the invitation came in.

This time I had decided on a navy blue dress. It was satin with a halter top and a simple belt.  The rest of the day I spent making myself busy by helping Sarah out around the packhouse. For the most part, Sarah did most of the cooking and cleaning because most of the girls living in the house were in school all day and some trained.

In our pack, the packhouse was meant to house the families of the Alpha, Beta, and Delta. But When Aaron took over he changed the rules some, he allowed single warriors and orphans to also live in the house. One of his first acts as Alpha was to expand the packhouse so they built on to the dining room to make room for everyone and built two stories on top.

It was one of my favorite stories that my dad told me. Aaron was very passionate about fixing all of the economic problems within our pack. I was proud that he was my Alpha and now I am proud that he is like a father to me.

Once Aiden got home from school we made Graham leave his Alpha duties for the night. Aiden grabbed all of the junk food in the house while I called Jason and told him to take over the training. Graham grabbed all of our comforters and we huddled up in the floor of the living room.

To anyone who didn't know us would laugh at the sight of a 21, 17, and 16-year-old sitting on the living room floor eating their weight in chocolate while watching the office. When I say these boys are my brothers I don't mean it in a cutesy way I mean we fight and argue like siblings. We leave bruises on each other and apologize by force sometimes. I wouldn't trade these boys for the world.

I woke up early the next morning with a sore neck but I knew I had to get ready for school. I woke up Aiden and we both walked sluggishly up the stairs to our rooms. After showering and throwing my hair up into a bun I threw on some jeans and a t-shirt.

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