Bad Place

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Did you know
How dark it gets
After five pm
On a Tuesday night
In January

Did you know
How cold it feels
Sitting here
Long sleeves dampened
Music too loud

Did you know
How dark
Your eyes get
After not sleeping
And thoughts return

Did you know
How skin burns
How fingernails
Blooming red

Did you know
How hard it is
To breathe
After 5pm
On a Tuesday in January

Did you know
How good
It feels
To pull at your hair
And shiver

Did you know
The remedy
For a bad day
For a bad year
Is a tiny white pill

Did you know
Those pills
Make things

Did you know
Last resorts
Don't always
Like they should

Did you know
That hands shake
And feet tap
And breaths are shaky
When hearts quicken

Did you know
That happiness
Is a dirty path
That tricks you
With false promise

Did you know
That happiness
Isn't really
At all

Did you know
That the truth
So bad
Too bad

Did you know
That sometimes
Shaky smiles
Can't bear it

Did you know
About the tears
Or the yanking
Or the scratching
When you opened your mouth

Meraki // Poetry & Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora