Girl on Silent

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You were in pain -
A not so subtle anguish -
That you projected daily
In your words
And in your art.

Had I taken you seriously,
Things might have been
You might not have felt
So empty
That you had to
Permanently scar yourself
So as to never

I wish I could forget -
Forget how blind I was,
Forget your sarcastic
Self hatred
That I knew cut deep
But did nothing about.

So tell me -
Do you regret it, too?
Do you regret curling up
On stark white tiled flooring,
Open scissor blades
Sprawled open
In your bloody palm?

Do you ever hear
Her screaming
Echo in the back of your
Like an army
Forever at war with
Your mental health?

Then again,
How should I know?
I was just the friend
(Am I even a friend?)
You'd talk books and
YouTube with, an
Ally in the Japanese
Animation department.
But if nerdom was our only
Did I ever have a chance to
Save you in the first

Friend, it's been
Ages, but I still
Have one last request.
Please, for your own
And for the ones who
Truly love you like
I should have,
Keep walking.

Keep taking one step
At a time
As you move through
The struggles that must
Pale in comparison to the
Rocky seas you've

You are strong.
You can do this.
Life sometimes sucks,
But it makes getting through
The rough days
All the more worth it.
I promise.

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