45. Kiss Me Already

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Me: *wipes tears* ......... *bursts into tears again*


"What's taking you so long?"

"Uh?" Gale muttered, pulling his gaze away from the streets passing in a blur outside the bus window and looking at Evan who was seated beside him. Scott and Matt were seated a couple of seats up the aisle. It was evening and they were getting back to their hotel after a day in training.

Evan nodded towards the other boys. "Spencer. For how long will you just sit here and make him...and you suffer?"

Gale scoffed. "I'm not making anybody suffer."

Evan let out a snort. "Yeah right. That's why you keep staring at him any time you think no one's looking."

"I don't."

Evan shrugged and leaned back in his seat. "Take longer and imma have to push you two together."

"You wouldn't."

Evan's brow arched. "Oh, I so would. Lock you two up in the same room until morning, or something like that."

"Can we stop talking about me for a second and have you tell me about what happened last night? Did you call Lou?"

Evan's shoulders lifted in a shrug. "We talked."


"Yeah, talked."



Gale scowled, getting irritated. "What stuff?"

"Random stuff. About the day. Weather. Stuff."

Gale gave him a skeptical look. Evan looked serious enough.

"You're serious."

Evan gazed sideways at him. "Yeah."

"So you two are trying again?"

Evan shook his head. "Just friends now. Maybe I'll ask her out when we get back to school."

"Wow, okay," Gale said, nodding.

"God, she's..." Evan started, but trailed off and looked away. "Nothing."

Gale poked him in his side. "She's what?"

Evan slapped his hand away. "Nothing."

"And here I thought I was the only besotted one around here."

"At least I'm doing something about it," Evan claimed, and just like that the ball was back on Gale's court.

Fifteen minutes later they got to the hotel, Scott and Matt walking up ahead while Evan and Gale trailed behind, unhurried.

The two former boys disappeared through the front doors and Evan nudged Gale in the side. "So, you going to do anything?"

Gale shrugged. "Maybe." After all, being mad at the guy was draining his energy and being away from him messing with his concentration.

"I hope we run into that admirer of yours again," Evan said, wiggling his brow.

"What? Why?"

Evan led the way through the rotating glass doors. "Maybe he'll give you two the push you need to... Oh shit, speak of the devil."

Gale appeared at his side, as he had stopped in his tracks. "Wha... Oh. What the fuck is he doing?"

The guy from the previous day was leaning against the front desk once again, this time talking to Scott and Matt.

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