29. Can't Stay Away From You

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Emily clapped, indicating a sealed deal. "Good, because tonight there's that Man U Chelsea clash that I want to watch with you two, me and Matt trolling you all the way while you get your asses beaten."

Gale sprang up in his seat. "Since when have you ever supported United in any match?"

"Today. It'll be fun," she said gleefully.

"It won't," Gale said, narrowing his eyes. "And not just because we'll thrash them, but you can keep dreaming."

It certainly wouldn't be fun being around Matt for two hours, but with Emily around he figured he could manage, somehow.

"Whatever," Emily said. "I have to rush back to the house now and do some stuff. I brought your truck over, you're welcome."

Gale's eyes widened in disbelief. "You drove my truck?"

"Uh yeah..."

"Jesus, Em. Since when could you..." he trailed off as he pushed past her, headed for the outside.

Emily rolled her eyes and went after him. "Jeez, I didn't crash it."

"Not trusting you," he said, as he hurried even more, and Emily held back a snort.

When they got outside however, Gale's truck was still outside Emily's house, and he let out a sigh of relief, then rolled his eyes at her.

"Testing," she said laughing, then rushed past him to her house.

"What on earth did you do to your room?" Emily shrieked the moment she stepped foot in Gale's room, Matt behind her.

Gale followed the trail of her eyes, to her bare walls. His football posters were gone, leaving his cream walls bare. He shrugged. "Nothing."

"Is it because of that girl? I know you always feel like getting rid of everything when you are feeling low." She said narrowing her eyes at him.

"What girl?" Gale asked, confused.

"That girl you like, remember?"

Gale's face scrunched up a bit, then he remembered telling Emily that he liked a certain person, whereby she immediately assumed was a girl. His eyes shot over to Matt instinctively, to find the other guy watching him over Emily's shoulder, teeth gnawing on his bottom lip. His pulse picked up and he looked away fast.

"Uh, no," he told Emily. "I just wanted new ones."

"You'll have to tell me who it is now, you know?" She told him, getting further into the room.

"Tell you what?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

She rolled her eyes. "Who the girl is. Jeez, where's your head today?"


"No I won't."

"You don't have anything to blackmail me with anymore," she said grinning.

Yeah, now that Matt knew she liked him...

"I'll find something. Stop ranting now, the game is almost starting," Gale said and hopped over his bed, grabbing the remote and settling against the headboard. There was a plasma on his wall, which he tuned to Supersport.

Emily took Matt's hand and pushed him forward. "Have a seat."

Matt hesitated, then took a seat against the headboard too, but left space between him and Gale where Emily should have sat. Instead, she gesture to him and said, "Scoot."

Gale shot her a look, and she gave him a meaningful one. Clearly this was one of her ways to get them talking again.

Gale wasn't sure that was a good idea.

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