43. Ninth Floor

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"It was a one time thing, okay? We aren't meant to be together. I think we just needed to try and see if we could work."

"Sex? That's how you two 'tried'?"

Evan scowled and turned to glare at Scott. "Shut up."

Scott shrugged and threw a glance at Gale, as if asking for support.

"Don't look at me," Gale stated. "I'm still loading the fact that Evan and Lou were making googly eyes behind our backs. How oblivious can we be?"

Scott sighed. "I know! And Evan, if I didn't know better I'd think you just slept with her just to get laid."

Evan looked as if he was going to strangle the guy. "You know me better than that, prick."

Scott nodded and took a step back. "Yes, yes that's what I just said! Jeez!"

Evan rested back into the wall of the elevator, glaring at the floor. "Whatever. I don't even know why I thought telling you guys was a nice idea," he grumbled.

"You asked for our dirty tidbits first, remember?" Scott reminded him.

Evan scoffed but kept quiet.

Just before the elevator got to their floor, Gale turned towards Evan. "Are you sure Lou is okay though? I remember her hinting on her crush on you at the start of the school year."

Scott choked on air while Evan's eyes widened to an abnormal size. "What?" He asked in disbelief. "That... Long?"

Gale nodded, frowning. "You didn't know?"

Evan shook his head. "No. She said... But she said..."

"What?" Gale and Scott asked simultaneously.

The elevator stopped, the doors sliding open. Evan hurried out, followed by the other two. He stopped in the hallway and stared down at his key card, unseeing.

"Ev?" Gale prodded.

He looked up, his thoughts far away. "I think I... It's nothing. I think I should call her. Anyway. What's your room number?"

Gale stared at him for a while longer, before deciding to let it go. For then. He looked down at his key card. "908."

"And yours, Scott?" Evan asked.


"Ugh, why did I get 906? There's a room between us."

Gale shrugged. "We are lucky coach even bothered enough to have us all on one floor."

"The school definitely has money to spend, you'd think they would get us a  room to share, or something," Scott said as they made their way down the hallway of the ninth floor of the hotel they were going to be staying at for the duration they were in camp with the national under 19 team. It had been three weeks after school had closed, and they were going to spend the remaining week of the holiday and the first week of school at the camp.

They got to Evan's room first, and he swiped his card. "See you guys in twenty," he said, seeming to be in a hurry.

To call Lou, probably.

"Cool," Gale replied, then he and Scott walked on, first stopping at his room to check it out.


An hour later, sometime around six o'clock, there was a knock on Gale's door, then before he could even voice out a 'Come in', it was pushed open and Evan came in, freshly showered. "I'm starving, are you?" He asked, going straight to Gale's bed and dropping face first into the covers.

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