33. Boyfriend

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Six weeks later, Olivia Summers walked back into the hallways of Eden High, as if she had never left. Word travelled, apparently her parents had separated and she had moved back into town with her mother.

On her first day back, her old posse of girls clung to her, as if they all unanimously agreed that the queen was back.

It was the first day of the painfully long second term of school, and Gale was already having a shit day without having his ex from hell dumped in his class. The short April holiday had seen him plunge deeper into football, spending two hours every morning on a run, a couple hours in the gym, hours in training with the team at school because they still had games other than for a short two week break, and every time after that resting his sore muscles when Emily wasn't bothering him, especially when Matt went down home for three long weeks. He wasn't ready for school, and he wasn't ready for drama because he could see it coming his way, in the form of the one and only Olivia Summers.

Eddie was right, she had gotten hotter.

Not that he cared, he just acknowledged it.

Not that it had any impression on him, either. He was too occupied thinking of reasons why Matt hadn't come back yet and school was starting.

The students were yet to be summoned to the opening assembly, so the school was full of rowdy teenagers with nothing to do but narrate what they had been up to for the last few weeks. Gale wished he had gone off to another class to pass the time, maybe Evan's, when he caught sight of Olivia making her way to his desk, leaving her followers behind with a dismissive flick of her hand.

Had I ever been attracted to her? He thought as he watched her make her approach. Because I damn well feel nothing right now.

Olivia was tall, only an inch shorter than his 6'0. Her auburn hair was held in a high ponytail and tumbled down her back effortlessly, her long legs exposed by a short skirt that stopped mid thigh. Gale could see one too many guys staring, and Bran who was sat beside him made some noise. He was also very aware of Lou, perched on a locker at the front of the class, watching and no doubt ready to listen in.

"Hi Adrian."

No, she didn't get to call him that, how dare she? Everybody used his first name, but she had always called him by his middle. Back then it had been okay, it had been their thing, but not anymore. They hadn't talked in close to a year, and their last 'conversation' had been an argument that had left him in a mad rage. So no she had no right to come back and pretend she could talk to him how she wanted.

He leaned back in his seat and kicked his legs out, giving her a blank stare. Maybe he would do great to show her he didn't give a flying fuck anymore. "Hi, what's up?"

"I'm back."

"I see."

She lifted a trimmed eyebrow. "You want to talk?"

His own brow shot up. "About?"

She was not high on anything was she?

She sighed and crossed her arms across her chest. A low whistle erupted beside Gale, and he almost rolled his eyes. "Can we be friends?" She asked.

So she was high on something. An inflated ego or acute memory loss, he couldn't tell.

All the memories he had managed to shove to some corner in the back of his mind reappeared, making it seem like it had not been long ago. And it hadn't. A little under a year wasn't barely enough to get over a heartbreak, and a first one in that case. But then Matt had come along, and he had taken over his thoughts, replacing those that reminded him of her betrayal.

My Best Friend's Boyfriend | BxBOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz