3. I Don't Like Him

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Gale watched with narrowed eyes as Emily and Matt stopped at the front of the double doors that led into the school building. They talked for a few seconds, then Emily left and skipped over to the parking lot.

Gale could see the tell tale signs of her blush even from a distance. She opened the passenger door and hopped into the truck.

"All buddy buddy now, huh?" He asked.

"Buddy buddy?" She asked, throwing her bag into the backseat.

"With Mr Spencer over there," he answered, cocking his head towards where Matt still stood. "First day, and he is already following you everywhere. Did you have to invite him to our table at lunch?"

"I didn't," she said. "But I don't see anything wrong with it. After all, me and you are the only people he is familiar with here. What do you have against him, Gale?"

"Against him? Who, that?" He asked, his brow scrunching in disgust, as if he would never waste a second paying a thought to Matt.

She belted up and sat back. "Whatever. I invited him to ride with us, but his aunt is already on her way to pick him up, so maybe tomorrow," she told him.

Gale's eyes widened so much, they looked like they might pop out of their sockets. "You did what?" He asked in disbelief.

She rolled her eyes. "You heard me, Gale."

"This is not your car, Emily!"

"Yeah, so?"

"So you can't just invite him to ride with us, dammit!" He hissed.

"And why not? He is our neighbour!"

"I don't like him," Gale grumbled.

Her dark eyebrows, which were leaning more towards the bushy side, rose. "Why?"

She was looking at him as though not liking Matt was the most inconceivable thing in the universe. She couldn't think of anything that was unpleasant about the guy.

Instead of answering, he said, "He is Mr Harrington School, how come he doesn't have a car? Isn't he supposed to be loaded or something?"

She huffed tiredly. "Whatever, Gale. Too bad if you don't like him, because he will be riding with us effective tomorrow. I can't take back the offer."

"You can."

"You are right." She ran her bottom lip between her teeth. "I won't ."

He glared at her for several seconds, then cursed and started the car.

The girl was a disaster.

"Is Lucy's nephew in your class?" Emily's mum asked as they sat down for dinner.

"Yes, mum."

"That's great. Be good to him, okay? You know first hand how being new at school can be."

She nodded, unable to speak since she had just shoved a forkful of pasta into her mouth. Seven years back, when she and her mum and three brothers had moved to Eden Heights, she had been glad to find a ready friend in Gale. The triplets had stuck together like always, shamelessly alienating her, but Gale had been by her side since the beginning.

"Good," her mother commended with a nod. "After you are done with dinner, I want you to take the dish on the counter over to his house. It's some of the cookies I made for breakfast."

Emily barely missed choking on the food in her mouth. "Mum?" She croaked.

"It's not that late, is it?" Her mother asked, checking the clock mounted on the kitchen wall. "It's only seven."

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