20. I'm Attracted To You

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Gale walked into the room and shot a hesitant look Matt's way. He closed the door after a fuming Hannah.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

Matt settled back and stared at the ceiling. "Yeah," he answered gruffly.

"I...ah, forgot my phone," Gale said, approaching the bedside cabin.

Matt looked, and there it was, lying next to the packet Gale had brought. Gale took his phone and turned for the door.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" Matt called softly at his retreating back.

Gale stopped in his tracks, but didn't face him.

"I have to go, Emily is waiting," he said.

Matt sighed. "It's impressive, really, how you have managed to avoid me the past few days."

Gale squeezed his eyes shut and groaned internally. They were not going to talk about that were they?

"I'm sorry if I offended you that night," he continued.

Gale's eyes opened and he shook his head. "You didn't."

"Then why are you avoiding me? We agreed to forget about it."

Gale flipped his phone between his hands. "I'm not avoiding you, Matt."

Matt scoffed. "Yeah right. You can't even look at me right now."

Gale took a deep breath and shifted on his feet so that he was now looking at Matt.

He felt vulnerable, standing there under Matt's gaze. He wished he had something to lean on, or look at... His hand lifted to rub the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I just want us to go back to the way we were before...it happened. Is that okay?" Matt asked, his eyes locked on Gale's face.

Gale nodded, because he couldn't form words. He wasn't sure they could go back to that, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"You just have to pretend nothing happened," Matt advised, as if that was the easiest thing to do in the world.

Gale faced the floor, trying to hide the numerous thoughts in his head. How could he pretend nothing happened?

"Unless you don't want to," Matt added.

Unless you don't want to.

Matt was okay with not pretending? With, perhaps, taking things further? Or what could he possibly mean?

"Are you gay?" The question slipped past Gale's lips without much thought on his part.

And the moment it was out there, he instantly regretted saying anything.

"Forget I--"

"I don't know about labels, Gale. Suppose I'm attracted to a boy once in my life, but girls the rest of the time? Does that make me straight or gay? Or bi? Does it matter?"

No, it doesn't.

"No," Gale voiced his thoughts.

"I'm attracted to you, and that's all I know," Matt told him.

Gale rewinded those few words in his mind, confirming he had heard right. He dared to sneak a peek at Matt, and found him staring at him, calm as always. Gale's face flushed and he looked away.

Could it be true?



His phone rang in his hand, startling him. He looked at it, then received the call.

"I'm on my way, Em. Chill!" He said into it, then hung up. "I have to go," he told Matt.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to dump that on you," Matt told him.

"It's cool," he said.

So not.

"I'm not expecting anything on your part, just that we might put it all behind us and you stop being so uncomfortable."

Gale nodded. "Yeah, okay."

But deep inside, he couldn't assure even himself that he would keep that promise.

"I have to go now," Gale said.

"Yeah, see you."


I feel like this is my worst chapter yet 😤.

Matt is quite straightforward, Uh? 😎 Gale probably needs to borrow some of that.

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