35. I Don't Know How To Make This Right

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That evening, Gale walked into the Millers' house like he had done severally in the past several weeks, a binder in his hand. Before Matt had formally asked Emily out, Gale had already started on the Math tutoring they had agreed on, and there was no way he was going to bail out on that, even though being close to Matt had two different adverse effects on him.

He always wanted to see him, he always wanted to be around him. At the same time he hated being reminded that he wasn't with him, which happened every time Emily was around, which was forever. Which was somehow a good thing because he had no idea what they would talk about if left alone.

Sometimes he would convince himself to keep space and try to move on, but that never worked. After what happened with Olivia earlier on, he wasn't sure it would ever work.

Lucy was the one who let him in, and he noticed she was dressed, as if going out.

Please no.

Having an adult around kept him from doing a lot of stupid things.

When they came to the living room, she picked a purse from a couch and turned to him with a small smile. "I have somewhere I need to be this evening, you boys behave. Matt is making us dinner tonight, you might help him," she ended with a wink.

He was left there, gaping like a stupid fish.

The sound of the front door closing had him gulping.

Was Emily here?

He looked around the empty living room, then up the staircase. Silence.

He moved into the kitchen and there he  was, looking into the fridge and dragging his hand through his hair in agitation. He was in a sleeveless undershirt and Gale allowed his eyes to feast a little on his biceps before clearing his throat.

Matt's head swiveled towards him, and the cold look in his eyes almost gave Gale frostbite. He frowned, feeling his heart drop to his stomach.

Why did he feel like crying?

Why was he so emotional?

Why was he so sensitive?

Gale swallowed as Matt turned back towards the fridge and slammed the door shut, then disappeared into a door connected to the kitchen, that Gale now knew led to the pantry.

Gale took deep breaths and bit on his lower lip, still standing in the doorway.

Okay, that was seriously one cold nasty look.

As if he was mad at him...

Matt came back and Gale stopped thinking. Like he always did. Matt looked around the kitchen, caught Gale's eyes for a nanosecond, then looked away.

"Where's Em?" Gale asked.

"Went to town with Lou," Matt answered.

Well shit.

Gale moved towards the island and placed his binder on it. He was going to pull out a stool when Matt's cold tone stopped him.

"I saw you."

Gale looked up, frowning in confusion. "Uh?"

Matt's dark eyes held his. "Saw you and Olivia, getting into that closet."




Gale felt like a naughty child who had been busted doing something wrong by his strict parent. After several seconds of utter silence, he pulled the stool out and sat down.

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